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We’ve all heard of “Take-your-child-to-work” day, when parents allow their kids to spend the day with them at work learning what it’s like to be a Dentist, Salesperson, or something of the kind.  But did an Air Traffic Controller at New York’s JFK Airport go too far when he not only brought his son into the Control Tower, but let the son speak directly to pilots over active airwaves?

It’s an incident that has become a hot topic of conversation across the country.  The Air Traffic Controller responsible and his supervisor have been placed on paid leave pending further investigation by government safety experts, who can’t believe a child was allowed to talk with at least 5 pilots preparing for departure.  Here’s one exchange:

Child (in control tower): JetBlue171 contact departure.
JetBlue pilot: Over to departure JetBlue 171, awesome job.
Adult voice (from tower): That’s what you get, guys, when the kids are out of school. 

Although it is not uncommon for parents to bring their children to work occasionally, some critics are saying this never should have happened on a job where the Air Traffic Controller is responsible for the lives and safety of everyone on a plane.  Other critics are saying a child should not have even been allowed into the Tower, where his presence could be a distraction among Controllers who rely on split-second decision making in their maneuvering of planes for safety.  But some, including a few pilots, are saying the entire situation has been blown out of proportion since no one was hurt.  Who’s right?  WATCH:



DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Ok I'm glad you did a story about this today because we were just arguing about it yesterday at work.If I'm flying in a plane I don't want some kid helping dad by calling out the air traffic instructions. I also don't want some kid helping dad the doctor in a operating room while I'm laying on the surgery table either. But that's just me. Both ways your putting somebody at risk and I can't agree with that.So whoever thinks it was harmless because nobody got hurt your fooling yourself. If this kid had made one mistake in the codes he was calling out that could have been a disaster. They need to throw that dad in jail.

  2. just heard on cnn the guy let his daughter do the same thing the day before

  3. I think this is the most stupid thing any one could be upset about. The children did not make any decesions, they were pupets. I feel its our job in life to teach our children what life is all about. What are they hearing now. "Kids can't do anything right" This is crap

  4. Co-sign with BD. Not only was it Stupid_it was EXTREMELY dangerous! The fact, that a few pilots think the issue has been "overblown" because "nobody got hurt" is even more disturbing_smh. And then WE (grown-ups) wonder why so many kids grow up without a speck of commmon sense?!?

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