Parkland Shooting Kills 17 Florida Students
- Republicans remain uninterested in gun control
What do you do when a deranged and disgruntled ex-student opens fire and kills 17 of his former classmates? That’s what the families of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students in Parkland, Florida are asking themselves today following a deadly mass shooting at the school on Wednesday afternoon.
Gun Control
In a “Here We Go Again” scenario, 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz had all the warning signs of a serial killer. He frequently bragged about and showed off photos of his gun collection. He also regularly “joked” about knowing the layout of the school so well that he’d know exactly where students would hide in the event of a mass shooting. So, it’s no wonder that after being expelled from Douglas for disciplinary reasons, he returned to the school to take out some pent-up anger against his fellow teens by opening fire and killing more than a dozen of them.
Now, less than 2 years after the Orlando gay club mass shooting and 5 years following the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, residents of Parkland are finding themselves grieving and in need of support. However, if anyone dares to bring up the subject of guns and how it’s time for greater gun control in America, conservatives and Republicans simply don’t want to hear it.
Various GOP members of Congress and some NRA-loving Fox News analysts are already saying that it’s too early to “get political,” or “discuss anything that could have prevented this” or “acknowledge that we have the power to change gun laws but we refuse to.” They’re already crouched in defensive mode and pointing out that it’s too soon to mention that Florida gun laws are some of the most relaxed in the country and that in Florida, almost anyone can buy a gun without a license, without a firearms registration, and, in most cases, without a background check (even to purchase a semi-automatic weapon). Oh, and the supposed “Pro-Life” party is even whispering that since it’s only been 2 years since the Pulse shooting in Orlando (the deadliest U.S. shooting in modern history) the timing to bring up any discussion of gun control is all wrong and too “insensitive.”
Yeah, right!
When people are dying, it’s NEVER too soon. However, when children are dying, the need for an immediate solution is beyond urgent.
Gun Control
For several congressional Democrats, they aren’t interested in hearing more excuses and are calling the majority party out for attempting to sugar-coat the Parkland shooting.
“Republicans should pray for forgiveness, for not only their complacency and dereliction of duty, but in contrition for the men, women, and children we continue to lay to rest because of senseless gun violence and the cowardly inaction from Congress,” Democratic Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman of New Jersey tweeted.
“How many more moments of silence must we hold before Republicans in Congress act?” Democratic Rep. Gerry Connolly of Virginia said in a statement. “We are not powerless. There are measures we can and must take to make our communities safer,”

Democratic Rep. Seth Moulton of Massachusetts took a swipe at Donald Trump following his expression of condolences to the victims’ families.
“I agree with every word @realDonaldTrump said here,” Moulton wrote on Twitter. “I invite him to get off his ass and join me in trying to do something about it.”
Sadly, the NRA controls the GOP and the GOP controls the House of Representatives, the Senate, and The White House. So, for the grieving families of Parkland who lost their children on Wednesday to yet another senseless act of gun violence, the Republican message is clear: Now is not the time to talk about gun control.
Still, the question remains: IF NOT NOW, WHEN???
Real-time 2018 US gun violence data from the Gun Violence Archive as of Feb. 14th:
• 1,821 gun deaths
• 3,131 gun injuries
• 69 children shot or killed
• 332 teenagers shot or killed
• 181 incidents of defensive gun use
• 215 unintentional shootings
• 30 mass shootings
• 11 school shootings with injury or death
DJ, thank you for this post and for the information as documented in the *Gun Violence Archive.* And most of all hank you that very moving video.
I have watched Phil Mudd on CNN many times-the man is NO shrinking violet. When I saw him break down I was right there with him. I spent most of last evening venting and weeping because I am SO sick and tired of this!!! Truly, I am sick to my stomach.
And it’s painful to admit that as a nation, as a society and a people THIS is who WE are. THIS is the Savage nation WE’ve become- where Evil and Violence flourishes unabated. Where children…INNOCENT men, women AND CHILDREN are slaughtered, in schools, in movie theaters, CHURCHES. While politicians sit on their sorry azzez, and DO they have been instructed to do by the NRA.
Oh and DJ…that poster of Uncle Sam protecting the NRA’s body with injured and dead people laying all around it is worth A THOUSAND words. That poster should be plastered all over this country- From the White House to the furthest backwoods *Outhouse.*
On a related note…….Feb. 28, 2017 NBC News reported:
“Trump Signs Bill Revoking Obama-Era Gun Checks for People With Mental Illnesses”
President Donald Trump quietly signed a bill into law Tuesday rolling back an Obama-era regulation that made it harder for people with mental illnesses to purchase a gun.
The rule, which was finalized in December, added people receiving Social Security checks for mental illnesses and people deemed unfit to handle their own financial affairs to the national background check database.
Had the rule fully taken effect, the Obama administration predicted it would have added about 75,000 names to that database.
President Barack Obama recommended the now-nullified regulation in a 2013 memo following the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, which left 20 first graders and six others dead. The measure sought to block some people with severe mental health problems from buying guns.
The original rule was hotly contested by gun rights advocates who said it infringed on Americans’ Second Amendment rights. Gun control advocates, however, praised the rule for curbing the availability of firearms to those who may not use them with the right intentions.
Both the House and Senate last week passed the new bill, H.J. Res 40, revoking the Obama-era regulation.
Trump signed the bill into law without a photo op or fanfare. The president welcomed cameras into the oval office Tuesday for the signing of other executive orders and bills. News that the president signed the bill was tucked at the bottom of a White House email alerting press to other legislation signed by the president.
The National Rifle Association “applauded” Trump’s action. Chris Cox, NRA-ILA executive director, said the move “marks a new era for law-abiding gun owners, as we now have a president who respects and supports our arms.” […] – Ali Vitali, NBC News writer
AP News: “US official: Florida school shooter identified as Nicolas Cruz”
[ Prosecutors have charged Nikolas Cruz with 17 counts of premeditated murder after he allegedly opened fire Wednesday at a Florida high school he was kicked out of last year.
Cruz, 19, a former student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., was arrested off-campus about an hour after the shootings began, according to Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel.
Cruz surrendered without incident, Israel said. He was picked up about a mile from the school.
Here’s what we know about Cruz now:
– Cruz’s mother died in November. His father had died years earlier.
– He and his brother were adopted.
– He went to live with a friend’s family after his mother’s death.
– Cruz had been expelled from school
– He had posted “disturbing” material on social media, according to Israel.
– Buzzfeed is reporting that the FBI was warned about a YouTube user named Nikolas Cruz after he
posted in September that he was “going to be a professional school shooter.
– The Miami Herald reports that a teacher at the school said Cruz had been identified as a potential threat
to fellow students in the past. Math teacher Jim Gard told the Herald, “There were problems with him
last year threatening students, and I guess he was asked to leave campus.”
– The shooting started outside the building, then Cruz went into the school and continued shooting
– Authorities think he walked out with other students after the shootings
– He had “multiple” magazines of ammunition
– He had an AR-15 weapon
– He had a gas mask and smoke grenades
– He pulled the fire alarm as he went into the school and then began shooting
– He was taken into custody off-campus ]
H/T: The Atlanta Journal Constitution (AJC)
The pic of Uncle Sam protecting the NRA with dead people all around it basically says it all for me. As long as we keep protecting the NRA and letting them run everything this is going to keep happening over and over again. How many people, how many children have to keep dying before we stop letting the NRA pay off Repubs to do nothing?
From The Daily Beast:
Trump Talked for 7 Minutes About the Florida School Shooting. He Didn’t Even Say the Word ‘Gun.’
President Trump did not mention guns or any kind of policy pertaining to firearms during his address to the nation Thursday morning, a day after the deadliest school shooting since Sandy Hook.
“No child, no teacher should ever be in danger in an American school. No parent should ever have to fear for their sons and daughters when they kiss them goodbye in the morning,” Trump said the morning after Nikolas Cruz, 19, allegedly shot and killed at least 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.
“To every parent, teacher, and child who is hurting so badly, we are here for you, whatever you need, whatever we can do, to ease your pain,” the president added. “We are all joined together as one American family and your suffering is our burden also.”
Trump additionally promised to visit Parkland when he travels to the state on Friday.
The only policy references in the address—as vague as they were—pertained to the issue of mental health. The president asserted on Twitter earlier Thursday morning that the shooter was “mentally disturbed,” despite the fact that the individual’s personal-health records are unclear at the moment.
“We are committed to working with state and local leaders to help secure our schools and tackle the difficult issue of mental health,” Trump said Thursday. “Later this month, I will be meeting with the nation’s governors and attorneys general where making our schools and our children safer will be our top priority. It is not enough to simply take actions that make us feel like we are making a difference, we must actually make that difference.”
As to what that substantive action would be, he did not say.
From The Daily Beast:
White Supremacists Say Nikolas Cruz Trained With Them; Students Say He Wore Trump Hat in School
Hate group says the accused Florida school shooter did paramilitary exercises and got a rifle from members. Ex-students say he wore a ‘Make America Great Again’ hat in school.
Friday Morning. Feb. 16, 2018
Latest Developments – Part l
• Broward Sheriff’s deputies were called to the Cruz family home 39 times since 2010.
• The shooter’s former neighbor said Cruz pointed a BB gun at homes and did target practice in the
• Cruz had an Instagram account with posts that include photos of a rifle and a collection of firearms on
a bed.
• The shooter legally purchased the firearm used in the shooting at a gun store in Coral Springs, Florida.
Cruz confessed to police to being the gunman, according to a probable cause affidavit. His public defender described him as a “deeply disturbed, emotionally broken” young man who is coming to grips with the pain he has caused.
“He’s gone through a lot in a very short period of time and that does not minimize the loss of those families, but we have to put that into the proper light,” Gordon Weekes said. “He is suffering from significant mental illness and significant trauma and he has some very difficult decisions to make shortly and we’re going to assist him with those decisions.
Source: “Gunman confessed to Florida high school shooting” –
Latest Developments (cont)
Meanwhile, Cruz’s digital footprint offers disturbing glimpses into his mind.
He hurled slurs at blacks and Muslims, and according to the Anti-Defamation League, had ties to white supremacists. He said he would shoot people with his AR-15 and singled out police and anti-fascist protesters as deserving of his vengeance.
Posts under videos on YouTube and other sites by someone using the name Nikolas Cruz include threatening comments, such as:
“I whana shoot people with my AR-15.”
“I wanna die Fighting killing s**t ton of people.” “I am going to kill law enforcement one day they go after the good people.”
On an Instagram account under the name @Nikolascruzmakarov, his profile picture shows him with a mask around his face, wearing a Make America Great Again hat. Other posts include a photo of a rifle, a collection of firearms on a bed, and a photo taken through a scope looking out a window.
A video blogger said he warned the FBI in September about a possible school shooting threat from a YouTube user with the same name as Cruz. An FBI agent confirmed that a field officer in Jackson, Mississippi, received the tip and interviewed the person who shared it. But no additional information was found to help identify the person who posted the comment and no connection was made to south Florida, said Robert Lasky, FBI special agent in charge of the Miami division.
Source: “Gunman confessed to Florida high school shooting” –
I agree with those who say the NRA is nothing more than a Lobbying organization for the GUN-manufacturing industry. Period. Full Stop.
EVERY elected official -Repubs, Dems and Indies – who sat on their collective azzez FOR YEARS and done NOTHING to fight the Evil that is the NRA share in the blame for the catastrophic injuries and deaths of EVERY man, woman and CHILD who’ve paid the ultimate price for such depraved indifference and political cravenness of those elected officials.
May ALL of those elected officials (past and present) be haunted by their own conscience the rest of their miserable lives.
“Australia hasn’t had a fatal mass shooting since 1996. Here’s what it did”
Twenty-two years ago, just weeks after the deadliest and last fatal mass shooting in Australia’s history, the country’s then-Prime Minister John Howard made it clear: Australia will not be like the United States.
“I would dread the thought that this country would go down the American path so far as the possession of firearms,” said Howard — at a gun rally.
Each time there’s a mass shooting like the one Wednesday in Parkland, Florida, where 17 were killed at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, attention turns to Australia and the changes it made to its gun laws two decades ago.
The country made sweeping gun control measures after a man killed 35 people with a semi-automatic weapon in a popular tourist area of Port Arthur, in Tasmania. Weeks after the April 1996 tragedy, the country and its states began banning rapid-fire guns to tamp down on mass shootings and then offered to buy the prohibited firearms.
Research suggests it’s worked.
The University of Sydney, in a 2016 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, found Australia hadn’t experienced a fatal mass shooting — one in which five or more people are killed — since the 1996 shooting. In the 18 years prior, 1979-1996, there were 13 fatal mass shootings in Australia.
The numbers also showed total firearm deaths in Australia, which had been declining before 1996, dropped more rapidly once the changes were made. There were also declines in non-gun-related suicides and homicides, the study found, meaning researchers can’t determine whether the laws can be credited with driving the declines. […] – USA Today
USA Today Reader:
Public support, actually putting in time and money to change things, and political courage, are lacking in the U.S. […]
USA Today Reader:
Guns deaths in general were already on the decline before they enacted the legislation. And, while many Ausies own guns, they have far less gun deaths, proportionally) in general than the US.
It’s not {just} the legislation, it’s the mindset. Somehow, a lot more Americans are obsessed with killing people. Take away the AR15s and the death toll at such events may decline, but the number of events will not.
Put another way, this kid didn’t do this simply because he had access to an automatic weapon, but the automatic weapon helped him do it more efficiently.
I think we have reached a critical mass of publicity. It is so publicized that people like this kid in Florida obsess about it and finally do it. And, he is rewarded for it through the attention he gets. […]