Current Events
The New Jersey governor took his name out of the running yesterday, after GOP insiders practically begged him to enter the race. Apparently, the Republican Party has no faith or interest in its current crop of contenders, including former front-runner Rick Perry, who has rapidly fallen from grace after several poor debate performances and a host of questionable skeletons in his closet; and Mitt Romney, who is Mormon and will never receive the backing of the powerful evangelical Christian wing of the party.
Christie announced that he just doesn’t have the desire to be president and that this is “not my time.” His decision effectively killed the hopes and dreams of Republicans who, although don’t agree with any of Christie’s liberal leaning thinking, were willing to grin and bear it with an “anybody but Romney or Perry” mentality.
With Christie definitely out, GOP insiders began cautiously tossing lukewarm support toward Romney, who has regained his former front-runner status. But Sarah Palin is still considering joining the fray, despite a recent poll that says nearly 60% of Republicans will not support her.
<span>[…] Apparently, the Republican Party has no faith or interest in its current crop of contenders, including former front-runner Rick Perry, who has rapidly fallen from grace after several poor debate performance and a host of questionable skeletons in his closet; and Mitt Romney, who is Mormon and will never receive the backing of the powerful evangelical Christian wing of the party. […] Uh-huh. And therein lies the dilemma for today's GOP thanks SOLELY to the collective, AND insidious, efforts of the GOP having LONG AGO embraced the *Southern Strategy,* which was later combined with Atwater's scorched earth strategy…which was later carried on by his protege, Karl Rove and company, which had (up til the end of G.Dubya's 2nd term as President), enjoyed with reckless abandonment, bamboozling millions of neoConfederate Christianists who now refer to themselves as "Tea-partiers." Of course, they're actually the Repub "base." Add to ALL that: The changed role of the American so-called "News" media over the years. Cable news media, in particular, ceased long ago simply reporting the "news." adopting the SLIMY MO of manufacturing and hyping FAKE news and political discourse, shaping public opinion based on peddling false information and propaganda..Oh! and PICKING Our Presidential candidates aided in no small measure by oodles and oodles of (drum-roll please)…POLLS. <rolling> But I digress. In short: Christie's momma didn't raise no fool. He looked out over the wrecked landscape of his beloved GOP and for the umpteenth time on this matter said TO.THE.MEDIA and Repub "elites"…</rolling></span><span></span><span>…"THANKS.BUT.NO.THANKS." </span>