
Christian Nationalism, Politics, And MAGA

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Surprise! People are finally beginning to talk about the big elephant in the room: white Christian nationalism and the prevalence of white supremacy in the MAGA movement.

Christianity :
Yesterday on OK WASSUP! we discussed how one Evangelical pastor has committed himself to the task of warning his White congregation not to mix politics and religion. Today, we will look at the role Christian nationalism plays in using God and religion within the MAGA movement to promote its true goal of holding onto white power in America.

Christian Nationalism

In a report from CNN, evangelical leader Jim Wallis reminded Americans that white Christian nationalism is not new but rather a heretical form of faith that has been in the US since its founding.

In his latest book, The False White Gospel: Rejecting Christian Nationalism, Reclaiming True Faith, and Refounding Democracy, Wallis compared 6 iconic Biblical texts to those of white Christian nationalist beliefs. He discovered that those who subscribe to white Christian nationalism frequently blend sexism, racism, and hostility toward non-White immigrants in an effort to create a white Christian America. Now, he is shouting from the rooftops how white supremacy has infected Christianity throughout America and has fueled the MAGA movement and its blind support of a perceived great white savior in Donald Trump.

Christian Nationalism
Jim Wallis

“White Christian nationalism has cut out of their Bibles all of the Scriptures that lead faith to justice,” Wallis stated. “When is the last time you heard a white Christian nationalist MAGA pastor talk about justice from the pulpit — justice for the poor, for the immigrants, for those being discriminated against? The only words that relate to ‘justice’ are predictions of punishment for all those who oppose their political agenda.   

“When you have ‘God bless the USA’ on a Bible cover, that’s idolatrous, that’s a worship of a nation,” Wallis continued. “Idolatry is just false worship. People talk about White evangelicals and White Christianity. The problem with those phrases is the word that dominates the phrase is not evangelical or Christianity, it’s White. So whiteness is idolatry.”     

During the hourlong documentary, MisinfoNation: The Trump Faithful, CNN’s Donie O’Sullivan discussed the erroneous belief among Christian nationalists that the US is a Christian nation and that Christianity is laced throughout the Constitution and the founding documents.

“Pastors have seen members of their congregation, members of their flock who leave because their sermons weren’t political enough or weren’t directly supporting Trump as the candidate,” O’Sullivan said.

Christian Nationalism

“Evangelical and other Christian pastors are really worried right now about what they’re seeing, how their faith is being weaponized in a way to attack democracy,” he added. “A lot of it is not new in terms of this kind of rapid weaponization of conservative Christianity if you want to call it that, but I think there’s an urgency now that we hadn’t seen before.”

It’s no secret that the MAGA movement and the idolization of Donald Trump is nothing more than a promotion for the protection of white supremacy. However, it’s worth noting that several ‘legitimate’ Evangelical pastors and leaders — who strongly believe in putting God first — are beginning to wage war against white Christian nationalism and the effect it is having on faith.   


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. DJ you are on a roll this week about religion and politics. I am glad to finally see all these pastors that are suppose to be christian finally speak up about Trump followers and the church. He got everybody fooled.

  2. I am waay late getting to this. It’s been a busy day….until now!

    In short, I wish we could separate the words Christian and Christianity from “White nationalism” because they are NOT remotely connected in any way.

    As my beloved grandmother used to say “It’s a trick of the devil!”

    And we know “The devil is a liar!”

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