Comments on: Christians Fear Kim Davis ‘Religious War’ News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 16 Sep 2015 16:27:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mr. BD Wed, 16 Sep 2015 16:27:51 +0000 Yeah I noticed the whole religious fight guys like Huckabee and Cruz were starting. Christians have a right to be worried because it's making us all look bad.

By: Truthiz1 Wed, 16 Sep 2015 11:55:55 +0000 Disclosure: Since the retiring of Sully, TAC has become the #2 site that I frequent (right behind OK Wassup!) and Rod Dreher, in particular, is the TAC blogger that I read the most. Mind you, I tend to agree with Rod on a given topic as much as I disagree with him. But he is a fantastic writer and I've been reading his posts for nearly as long as I've been reading DJ's posts, which has been quite a few years!

Regarding Huckabee, Kim Davis and their ilk…….

I'd like to {ADD} my own thoughts to that of Daily Beast blogger Goldie Taylor who writes:

I make it a practice not to condemn others for where they are, but I cannot stomach {AND THEREFORE REJECT ANY} notion that I serve the god of Mike Huckabee or the one that whispers into {Kim Davis's} ear. The religious fervor that informs our public discourse is, all too often, a repugnant product of bigotry, thinly concealed inside a King James Bible. It was that same Bible that allowed their conservative predecessors to relegate my ancestors to separate water fountains and segregated classrooms, the same one they now use to deny the poorest among us decent health care and meaningful jobs at meaningful wages. […..]

To me, they represent a most Grotesque version of Christianity, one that I in no way identify with. Some have even likened it to "the Christian version of Islam's Sharia Law." They are IMO ceertainly just as dangerous as Islamic extremists.

And should be looked upon, and treated, as such.
