Christians And Same-Sex Marriage
Christianity –
Christians And Same-Sex Marriage
In light of the recent Supreme Court ruling mandating that same-sex marriage is now the law of the land and permissible in all 50 states, Christians everywhere have gone on the warpath and made the issue their #1 target to fight at all costs. But why?
I’ve often wondered how someone else’s life or someone else’s marriage is cause for so much Christian concern above all else? I’ve often thought if someone doesn’t believe in gay marriage, then they don’t have to marry someone gay. Simple! It’s the same with interracial marriage, interreligious marriage, age-gap marriage, or whatever. Well, I recently got my answer, when I engaged in a Facebook banter with an old elementary school friend who is now a minister. His words and his wrath against same-sex couples, combined with his defense of the sanctity of marriage was informative of just what modern day Christian thinking has done to otherwise rational people.
My minister friend freely wielded his years of study and random bible quotes as his weapon of choice to back up his beliefs against same-sex marriage. He offered his own personal theories of how we should all be basically donning Superman suits to come to the defense of morality and save society from itself. It had me wondering if the kid who sat next to me in homeroom had been brainwashed.
For all those who call themselves “Christian,” who believe the bible is THE word of God and that we should avoid sin and follow God’s commandments, how do these people rationalize their “picking and choosing” of which “sins” they will fight and which they will let falter?
Oh, it’s a high and mighty moral ground some of these “Christians” have placed themselves on. Unfortunately, it’s also a slippery slope they will actually end up on.
For those Christians who are against same-sex marriage simply because they believe it is against God’s word, I hope they didn’t have bacon with their eggs for breakfast this morning. They better not have ordered the shrimp fried rice last night from the local take out. Do they have tattoos or wear clothes that are a cotton/wool blend? Have they ever been drunk? Have they ever told a white lie, had premarital sex or been divorced? Well, those are all sins in the bible and since no one sin is greater than the other, how is it OK for these “Christians” to go against God’s word, but not OK for same-sex couples to go get married?
Further, who put these “Christians” on a moral pedestal? The bible clearly states in Matthew 7:1-3 “Judge not, that ye may not be judged.” So, exactly how do these Christians justify their judgment of others while claiming to follow God’s word?
Many Christians and so-called “church-folk” have a history of judging what’s right and what’s wrong, based on what works FOR THEM. They will engage in premarital sex and acts of lust because that is something THEY LIKE for themselves. Yet they will frown upon someone falling in love and wanting to marry someone of their same-sex, simply because that is something THEY DISLIKE. It’s a game of favoritism and classic picking and choosing!
For all the Christian bible thumpers who are quick to pull out the word of God as a moral weapon, where were they several years ago when Britney Spears got married on a drunken whim, then divorced 55 hours later? Why aren’t they picketing outside divorce courts across America to stop government involvement in the annulment of marriages? How do they justify the millions of Justice of the Peace court marriages over church marriages? Why are these same folk ecstatic when their unmarried teenager brings them home a grandchild, but up in arms when a monogamous same-sex couple wants to adopt?
If you are a Christian who claims to be against sin, then you have to commit to it and be against ALL “sin.” You don’t get to pick the sins you like as being OK, but stand on a soapbox against other sins you don’t like as not OK. It doesn’t work that way.
So, get off the fence! If you’re going to stand on a moral mountaintop and judge if everyone else’s hands are dirty, first make sure your own hands are clean. Otherwise, keep your mouth shut, mind your own business and live your own life without feeling it is your place to control the lives of others.
@DJ- Another great post. You're really on a roll this week with your topics. 🙂 On a serious note though….I agree with you on nearly all points made. Yes, many Christians have, as you've noted "gone on the warpath and made the issue (of legalizing same-sex marriage) their #1 target to fight at all costs." However, from what I'm seeing and hearing, not only are more Christians, at least coming to grips with it, but in SOME cases, Pastors (even Black Pastors) are leading the way towards a more umm…Peaceful co-existence, if you will, between straights and gays, in general. Now let me be clear. No. I'm not saying that Pastors have now suddenly become "Okay" with same sex marraige. But SOME Pastors are stepping up and challenging church members to hold up a mirror and "check yourself." Those pastors are calling Out the blatant HYPOCRISIES customary among too many… Read more »