Comments on: Christie, Fiorina Say ‘Sayonara’ To GOP Race News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Fri, 12 Feb 2016 16:12:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Fri, 12 Feb 2016 12:31:01 +0000 Re: Chris Chistie and Carly Fiorina

Neither of them actually stood a chance from jump.

Re: Ben Carson

Carson's campaign ended awhile ago…even if he somehow achieves a "respectable showing" in S.C., it won't change the eventual outcome….he's done. My guess is the reason(s) he stays in it for now – arrogance and/or money.

On a related note:

It is rather mind-boggling that neither Hillary (nor Bill) seems to have learned a thing from 2008!?! However, until she/her campaign completely implodes I remain confident, For Now, that she's going to figure it out, get it together and get on with waging a more convincing and positive fight to win the Dem nomination. Failing that…Bernie will win the nomination and a Republican will be our next President.

By: Mr. BD Thu, 11 Feb 2016 17:49:16 +0000 You were right about who was going to drop out DJ. Except I don't know what Ben Carson is trying to prove staying in. He should have been gone a long time ago.

On a related note I'm still worried about Hillary Clinton. Now that Sanders won New Hampshire she said she's just going to attack him more to get the lead. She really doesn't get it. That's part of the reason young people don't like her, especially because Sanders isn't attacking her at all. She only knows one way and that is to be negative. It cost her with Obama and it's going to cost her again because she didn't learn nothing.
