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Last week, she was the darling of the Tea Party and the nemesis of the GOP after winning the Delaware Senatorial Republican Primary.  But now (in the voice of Ricky Ricardo), Christine O’Donnell has “some ‘splainin’ to do.”

The Republican National Committee never supported or even wanted O’Donnell to win the Delaware primary, believing she could never win.  But perhaps now we see why. Bill Maher, host of HBO’s ‘Politically Incorrect’ has just released videotaped footage of Christine O’Donnell from several guest appearances on the show.  In one episode from 1999, O’Donnell predicted that perhaps one day her words might come back to haunt her, but then fearlessly announced that she has dabbled in witchcraft.  REALLY???

The conversation was shocking. “I dabbled into witchcraft,” Christine O’Donnell said.  “I never joined a coven. But I did…” she was interrupted by a male, “Wait a minute. You were a witch?” Bill Maher answered, “Yes, she was a witch.”  O’Donnell continued with her explanation,  “I was a witch.” Again, she was interrupted, “I mean, wait a minute. How could you be a witch?” O’Donnell answered, “I dabbled into witchcraft. I hung around people who were doing these things. And one of my dates — one of my first dates with a witch was on a satanic altar and I didn’t know it, and there was a little blood there and stuff like that.” 

Exactly how does someone announce on national television that she dabbled in witchcraft and satanic altars, then expect to be taken seriously in a run for political office 10 years later?  Maybe her witch powers were correct to predict those words would indeed come back to haunt her.

NOTE TO GOP:  Ummm… now might be a good time to go ahead and scratch Delaware senate race from your list of hopeful wins!



DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. LOL man this is high tech. I was just about to post a comment when one just popped on the screen in front of mine. Crazy. Anyway this has to be the second dumbest woman in politics next to Sarah Palin. I don't see how she can last.

  2. This is just a test. I'm having a heck of time posting in the new forum…lol It keeps telling me that my post can't exceed 3000 charcters. But post cotains less than 2000 characters, inclduing spaces…??? 

  3. LOL! Okay let's try this again….It keeps telling me that my post can't exceed 3000 charcters. But my post contains less than 2000 characters, including spaces…??? There…that's better 🙂

  4. Sorry to hear you were having problems posting.  And since I don't see any additional posts from you, I'm assuming you're still having the same problem.  Did you only type text, or did you try adding any links?   Let me know and I'll look into it for you! 

  5. <span>Oh dear….</span><span>FrumForum: O’Donnell: “Homosexuality is an “Identity Disorder”</span><span><span>Christine O’Donnell</span> claimed in a 2006 interview that homosexuals are psychologically defective, arguing that they suffer from “identity disorder,” the reporter who conducted the interview tells me.</span><span>….the reporter on the story, Victor Greto, who’s now a professor at Wesley College in Delaware, emails over her full quote from his notes on the interview. Here’s what she said:</span><span></span><span>“People are created in God’s image. Homosexuality is an identity adopted through societal factors. It’s an identity disorder.”</span><span></span><span>O’Donnell’s suggestion that gays suffer from a psychological disorder is far worse than other comments about gays that have already gotten media attention, such as her claim that the <span>government spent too much on AIDS</span> and her insistence that <span>“gays get away with so much.”</span></span><span></span><span>Also: Last week O’Donnell <span>insisted</span> that her rigid moralistic views represent long-ago youthful excesses. But as late as 2006, she was apparently still suggesting that gays are suffering from some sort of mental illness that has caused them to stray from God’s “image.”</span><span></span><span>Indeed, this would appear to put O’Donnell squarely in the camp of those who liken homosexuality to pedophilia and bestiality. […]</span><span></span><span>Read: <a href="</span&gt;” target=”_blank”></span&gt;

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