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Churches Evict Boy Scouts

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Troop #2 has been holding its local Boy Scout meetings at the First Baptist Church of Helena, Alabama for several years.  However, now that the Boy Scouts of America have voted to allow gay members among the troops, Pastor Greg Walker has delivered a rather shocking message to the young teen Scouts — GET OUT!

“I didn’t make that decision. Boy Scouts of America made that decision,” Walker said in justifying his eviction of the innocent boys who now have nowhere to meet.  Interestingly, Walker is not alone.

Pastor Mike Shaw of Pelham, Alabama’s First Baptist Church also recently closed church doors to the Boy Scouts. “We don’t hate anybody. We’re not doing it out of hatred,” Shaw said in his defense. “The teachings of the Scripture are very clear on this. We’re doing it because it violates the clear teaching of Scripture.”  Ahhh… Christian hypocrisy at its finest.

Nationally, the trend to “lock-out” and punish local scout troops for the national organization’s decision to allow gay Scouts is on the rise.  In Louisville, the Southeast Christian Church has closed its doors to Scouting. The Assemblies of God, which is the world’s largest Pentecostal group, has openly criticized the Boy Scouts and are predicting a widespread decline in Scouting participation.  And leaders of the Southern Baptist Convention are encouraging its 47,000 member churches to stop hosting all Boy Scout troops and activities.

So how do these tax-free organizations called churches — with their own gay members and gay clergy  — get away with such blatantly judgmental behavior…all under the name of God?

Discrimination is not Christian. Intolerance is not Christian. The fundamentals of Christianity are supposed to be about love, openness and welcoming arms.  Jesus Christ welcomed lepers when others shunned them and shut their doors to them.  The modern church is supposed to be an open and safe place, where even sinners are welcomed and accepted.  So why then are so many so-called “Christian” churches closing their doors, which is the exact opposite of the principles and teachings of Jesus??

Ahhh… Christian hypocrisy at its finest!

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Sadly, who really is suprised by this?

IMO, these are "so-called" Christians acting out as usual. To say nothing of the fact that we're talking about Alabama no less.

From what I've observed of *christianists* (northern and southern) over the years, acting in the "EXACT OPPOSITE" of the principles of Jesus Christ is quite the norm for those people.

We're not talking about an intelligent people, or a caring and loving people, by any stretch of the imagination.

For decades they've shown Us who they truly are and what they are truly about.


…and on a christianist-related note…..

"Christians Can't Drink Starbucks Because Company Supports Gay Marriage, Evangelical Says"

Coffee-drinking Christians, take note: There's apparently "no way" a truly righteous Christian can drink Starbucks beverages. At least, that's the opinion of former evangelical pastor and conservative activist David Barton, whose May 19 sermon on pious caffeine consumption was recently posted online.

Speaking at Whitesburg Baptist Church, Barton said that Starbucks was "pouring money" into the destruction of traditional marriage, according to video of the speech. [….]


As I said, we're not talking about an Intelligent group of folks by ANY stretch of the imagination..smh.

Mr. BD

This is pure ignorance but I'm not surprised. These Christian nut jobs lack common sense and are out of touch with reality anyway.

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