Comments on: Churches Evict Boy Scouts News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:54:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mr. BD Tue, 04 Jun 2013 17:55:15 +0000 This is pure ignorance but I'm not surprised. These Christian nut jobs lack common sense and are out of touch with reality anyway.

By: Truthizz Tue, 04 Jun 2013 15:46:50 +0000 …and on a christianist-related note…..

"Christians Can't Drink Starbucks Because Company Supports Gay Marriage, Evangelical Says"

Coffee-drinking Christians, take note: There's apparently "no way" a truly righteous Christian can drink Starbucks beverages. At least, that's the opinion of former evangelical pastor and conservative activist David Barton, whose May 19 sermon on pious caffeine consumption was recently posted online.

Speaking at Whitesburg Baptist Church, Barton said that Starbucks was "pouring money" into the destruction of traditional marriage, according to video of the speech. [….]


As I said, we're not talking about an Intelligent group of folks by ANY stretch of the imagination..smh.

By: Truthizz Tue, 04 Jun 2013 12:14:18 +0000 Sadly, who really is suprised by this?

IMO, these are "so-called" Christians acting out as usual. To say nothing of the fact that we're talking about Alabama no less.

From what I've observed of *christianists* (northern and southern) over the years, acting in the "EXACT OPPOSITE" of the principles of Jesus Christ is quite the norm for those people.

We're not talking about an intelligent people, or a caring and loving people, by any stretch of the imagination.

For decades they've shown Us who they truly are and what they are truly about.
