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Cincinnati Cop Murders Unarmed Black Man

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Cincinnati Cop Murders Unarmed Black Man

A University of Cincinnati campus police officer has been indicted for murdering an unarmed black man during a simple traffic stop.  According to the campus cop, he is not guilty.

Cincinnati cop DuBose

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Raymond Tensing, 25, faces a life sentence for 1 count of murder and 1 count of voluntary manslaughter, after shooting and killing Samuel DuBose during a traffic stop. Although the traffic stop was off campus property and not within Tensing’s jurisdiction, Tensing still felt it was his duty to pull DuBose over for missing a front license plate.  Apparently, Officer Tensing also believed it was enough of a crime to cost DuBose his life.

Cincinnati killingThe horrendous and unnecessary murder happened on July 19th, when Officer Tensing pulled DuBose over while several blocks off university property. The situation escalated when Tensing asked DuBose to get out of the car, triggering a scuffle. Within seconds, DuBose, a father of 10, was shot in the head.  He was still seated behind the wheel.

“It was a senseless, asinine shooting,” Hamilton County prosecutor Joseph Deters said at a news conference last Wednesday, adding that any use of force was unnecessary. “I’ve reviewed probably 100 police shootings.  This was bad from the start, and you know, he’s going to have to answer for it — that’s the bottom line.”

Tensing appeared late last week in Cincinnati court shackled and wearing a jail uniform. The judge set bond at $1 million dollars, which drew applause from family members and friends of DuBose. Tensing’s father paid 10% of the bond ($100,000) and Tensing was released from jail at about 6:35 p.m. Thursday.

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Cincinnati cop indictedTensing’s attorney, Stew Mathews, told the judge that his client has an “exemplary record and no prior criminal conviction” since joining the university’s force in April 2014. Tensing also claimed that he was being dragged by DuBose and that he only pulled the trigger because he was “afraid that he was going to lose his own life.” Several of Tensing’s police colleagues even backed up his claims.  However, it was Tensing’s body camera that proved his words were all a lie, as it showed the scuffle in its entirety and DuBose being killed while still behind the wheel.

Prosecutor Deters acknowledged that Tensing’s body cam was a crucial piece of evidence in the case, as he would not have been able to secure an indictment without it.

Despite his attorney’s claims that he was an exemplary officer, Tensing has a history of being somewhat of a hot head. He was engaged in a heated exchange with 2 men after pulling their car over because he said their bumper was dragging. That incident was also caught on video.

The outright murder of DuBose by a police officer is just another in a series of shootings and killings against black men by those who were sworn to “supposedly” protect and to serve.

OK WASSUP! tracks top news. Today’s article:
The Cincinnati cop charged with killing an unarmed black man
claims he is innocent.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Well…there's a few things I'd like to say.

    First: There is absolutely NO good reason for Dubose to be dead today, certainly not at the hands of Officer Tensing, who it seems has a bit of a history himself, as pointed out by DJ:

    – Tensing was reportedly filmed May of last year pulling over two men- he asked to see passenger's ID, who refused which sparked an argument; Tensing then refused to answer questions and was called 'incompetent' for making the stop in the first place; after a Dept. Supervisor intervened, the two men were allowed to go

    H/T: TheDailyMail, Youtube et al

    Second: I'm just curious about the colleagues who initially backed up Tensing's story. WHY are they not also being charged? (did they strike a deal with the prosecution to testify against Tensing in exchange for charges not being brought against them?

    Third- as per Cincinnati's FOX News 19:
    DuBose had been charged with driving without a license more than 13 times between 1995 and 2009, according to court records obtained by Cincinnati's FOX 19.

    He had also been charged with driving while suspended eight times from 2005 and 2011 and with failure to display a proper a proper license plate on his vehicle four times between 1995 and 2009. Dubois had more than 75 offenses charged to him over his lifetime, including time served in a state prison on a 2005 marijuana trafficking charge. […]

    Please Note: Dubose had "NO history of violent crime." NONE. "and was NOT acting aggressively after being pulled over by Tensing."

    1. Cosign Truth those other officers should be charged too for lying. What if the prosecutor didn't have the video? The judge would have probably believed what the other cops said which is what happens all the time anyway. I'm getting real tired of hearing about my people getting killed by cops. This has got to stop.

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