Classified Info Leaked By Loose-Lip Trump

Top News Today –
Classified Info Leaked
By Loose-Lip Trump
The trainwreck that is Donald Trump and his White House continues to astound logic. How else can anyone describe the President of the United States stupidly leaking sensitive classified info to the Russians?
Top News Today
Only 1 day after making the dumbstruck move to fire the man investigating possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, “The Donald” somehow thought it would be a bright idea to invite Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and the Russian ambassador to the United States, Sergey Kislyak, into the Oval Office for a nice chat and photo-op. He also decided it would be an even brighter idea to stick it to the “fake news” media and ban all members of the American press corps from attending. Only Russian photographers were granted entry. Great idea, right? WRONG!
What Donald failed to realize is that the Russian photographer he allowed inside the Oval Office is actually an employee of the state-run news agency Tass — and a likely spy. In fact, US intelligence has deemed Tass as “Russia’s top spy recruiter.” So, the possibility for the Russian “photographer” to leave an ultra-sensitive (and highly undetectable) listening/monitoring device inside the pinnacle of American government is beyond great and an unforgivable breach of security.
Political observers were at a loss for words at Trump’s lack of judgment.
“Deadly serious Q: Was it a good idea to let a Russian gov photographer & all their equipment into the Oval Office?” Colin Kahl, who served as former Vice President Joe Biden’s national security adviser, wrote on Twitter.
“No, it was not,” David S. Cohen, the former deputy director of the CIA, replied.
You’d think that’s the worst part of this story. Sadly, it’s not!
Top News Today
In an unbelievable report late Monday, it was revealed that not only did Donald Trump breach security during his photo-op with the Russians, but he also leaked extremely sensitive classified info to the Russians that has now potentially jeopardized an intelligence source connected to ISIS.
According to The Washington Post, a braggadocious Trump boasted to Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov and Russian Ambassador Kislyak that the United States has “an ally that has access to the inner workings of the Islamic State” via a highly sensitive intelligence-sharing arrangement. The Post added that the information was “describing details about an Islamic State terror threat related to the use of laptop computers on aircraft.”
A source for The Post claims that Trump told the Russian officials, “I get great intel. I have people brief me on great intel every day.” He then started bragging and couldn’t keep the highly classified information to himself.
“This is code-word information,” an unnamed United States official told the Post. “[Trump] revealed more information to the Russian ambassador than we have shared with our own allies.”
The partner had not given The White House authority to share the intel with Moscow. Now, not only has Trump’s decision to do so risk cooperation from an ally that has access to the inner workings of the Islamic State militant group, but it also risks making other allies skittish from ever sharing classified info with the US again, out of fear of Trump tattling.
On a larger scale, Trump’s bragging has created a tremendous risk to US national security. ISIS may now simply switch up whatever plans they had regarding laptops and aircraft — and it’s anyone’s guess what grave fate may await the source on the inside who revealed the intel.
For the THIRD time in less than a week, Donald Trump and his White House are finding themselves on the defensive and in complete damage control. This time, the moment was not overlooked by members of his own party, as Trump’s antics are causing bipartisan concern on Capitol Hill.
Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee broke ranks with the radio silence of the GOP, saying that The White House is in a “downward spiral.”
“Can we have one crisis free day? That’s all I’m asking,” added Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine.
Donald Trump loves adulation and bragging about how great he is. That may be an acceptable personality trait for a real estate shyster or reality television star, but it’s toxic for a President of the United States.
In what alternate universe can a foreign adversary walk directly into the Oval Office of The White House and be ignorantly spoon-fed classified info by the President of the United States — while their spies are given free rein to bring in electronic “photography” equipment and almost certainly leave bugging devices everywhere?
Although Russia may be laughing (at us) today, this is not funny anymore. It’s time for this imbecile to go!
I can't believe I beat Truth and I am first today. But I knew what the story was going to be about so I had to get here early. DJ laid out all the facts perfectly. What the h*ll was Trump doing letting the Russians in the White House in the first place? Then he got to bragging to impress them and ended up telling classified information. They have been talking about it all night on all the channels asking if Trump is competent enough to be president. We already know the answer is no. He is starting to be a threat to national security now. Like DJ said it is time for this dunce to go.
"I can't believe I beat Truth and I am first today."
Lol. I was here waiting around for you, hoping you'd take minute to chime in early. Gave me a little more time to get my thoughts together.
"It never stops," one White House official said via text message Monday night. "Basically chaos at all times." – Politico
So um…as I recall, the American news media slobbered all over themselves in praise of H.R. McMaster (Trump's National Security Adviser) and Rex Tillerson (Trump's Sec. of State) when those 2 men were confirmed for their respective position. They were touted as the "grown-ups in the room" who would "finally" give that dangerous fool sitting in the White and his keystone cops staff some "CREDIBILITY."
HAH. Instead what has happened was quite predictable. Every single person working for that dangerous fool, including McMaster and Tillerson, is having his/her reputation completely shredded. SEE McMaster's "Non-denial-DENIAL" last night shortly after this current sh*tstorm hit the fan.
I just have a brief statement for the record. There is nothing that the president takes more seriously than the security of the American people. The story that came out tonight as reported is false. The president of the foreign minister reviewed a range of common threats to our two countries, including threats to civil aviation. At no time, at no time, were intelligence sources or methods discussed. The president did not disclose any military operations that were not already publicly known. Two other senior officials who were present, including the secretary of the state, remember the meeting the same way and have said so. Going on the record should outweigh the anonymous sources. I was in the room. It didn’t happen. Thanks, everybody. […] – Fox News, 5-15-17
…to which Katy Tur and several other people correctly pointed out the OBVIOUS:
McMaster saying "sources and methods" is a red herring. Article doesnt say Trump revealed sources and methods to Russians. [….]
And here is the kicker. McMaster's boss, being the impulsive nutjob that he is, could NOT wait to tweet this morning that YES, he did it. And he did it because he has an "absolute right" to do it.
So there you have it folks. I've said it before and I'll say it again. The incalculable threat Trump and his administration poses to the National Security of Our country is Real.
I truly doubt there has ever been, in all of U.S. history, ANY president and administration this incompetent, this CLUELESS, this reckless.
CNN’s Jim Acosta: McMaster “Did Not Specifically Say That The President Did Not Reveal Classified Information.”
On Anderson Cooper 360, CNN’s Senior White House Correspondent Jim Acosta said McMaster did not address the specific allegation put forth by the Washington Post story. […] – Media Matters
Kristen Welker: “That Is Not What Was In The Washington Post Report.”Following National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster’s comments to the stakeout outside the White House.
They continue to go back to this wording, “sources and methods.” That is not what was in the Washington Post report. The Washington Post states that President Trump relayed classified information obtained from one of the United States’ allies. And you didn’t hear McMaster address that very specific issue. […] – MSNBC, Hardball w/ Chris Matthews, 5/15/17
H/T: Media Matters
Rod Dreher, TAC writer:
What a dangerous incompetent!
Trump most likely did not break the law. But this is utterly beside the point.
Trump supporters, you know very well what you would be saying — what you would be screaming at the top of your lungs, for good reason — if Obama or Clinton had done this.
We now have to worry if the President of the United States is a national security threat because of his character. […]
MM Reader
No one with a functional IQ or a shred of honesty is surprised by any of this. The "conservative" GOP facilitated and enabled the totality of this obscenity. As such, the entire lot of them should be regarded as exactly the same as the President. [..]
MM Reader:
I'm not surprised at all. For 8 years they obstructed a President who was more than willing to work with them. Now in the face of possible active espionage they will do nothing. They won't impeach. They won't investigate. Where does that leave the citizens who they are suppose to answer to. What's going to be enough. […]
TAC Reader:
Memo to "GOP”
Your circus
Your monkey
Stop him before it gets worse for you. […]
Um….a whole lot worse (SEE Donald's upcoming trip to the Middle East)
Yahoo News:
For months, U.S. allies have anxiously wondered if President Donald Trump could be trusted with some of the world's most sensitive national security secrets.
Now, just a few days before Trump's debut on the international stage, he's giving allies new reasons to worry, and potentially putting crucial intelligence-sharing agreements at risk.
CNN is saying if Donald Trump has tapes of conversations with FBI then he must have tapes of what he told the Russian diplomats. Democrats say they want him to give them both set of tapes.