Comments on: Climate Change = The End Of The World! News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Mon, 06 Mar 2023 01:55:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Mon, 27 Feb 2023 19:43:30 +0000 In reply to Mr.BD.

BD, right-wingers, in particular, are afraid of anything and everything they can’t control. I suspect that deep down inside, many, if not most of them DO know these threats are real.

They simply cannot handle the reality of having to deal with it…whatever “it” is. So they choose to ignore OR pretend that “it” either can’t happen or doesn’t exist (see their fear of -and refusal to- get the Covid vaccine and/or wear a mask to protect them from a deadly virus).

By: Mr.BD Mon, 27 Feb 2023 17:24:41 +0000 Also anybody that says it could never happen is not paying attention.

By: Mr.BD Mon, 27 Feb 2023 17:23:40 +0000 Okay now that is some scary stuff when you put it in perspective. The fact whole states could get covered up in water should make everybody want to make a change. Thans for talking about this DJ.

By: Truthiz1 Mon, 27 Feb 2023 16:57:14 +0000 Long story-short: With the exception of maybe 2 winter seasons, since 1997, we really have not had anywhere near the winter seasons we used to have.

And even those 2 winter season fell well short of the amounts of snowfall and other wintry weather conditions we used to experience!

Currently we’re still in the “winter” season up here – and March is always “ify” so who knows(?) We could get hit with at least one major snowstorm this winter.

But right now we’re on track to end this month as one of the warmest Februarys on record for Us, in over 100 yrs of tracking our weather.

By: Truthiz1 Mon, 27 Feb 2023 16:37:21 +0000 We used to have REAL winters in my region! Since before I was born until well into my adulthood it was normal to have major snow storms, blizzards and ice-storms darn near back-to-back-to back Every winter season, which ran from mid-to-late Nov. to the end of March even into April at times.

However, the winter of 1998 or 99, was the first time I noticed something strange happening! The birds which had flown South for the winter (as they always do) suddenly began returning way too early! They always returned in the Spring. But that winter they came back in Feb., which would normally still be the dead of winter for Us.

Honestly, it was so warm at the time that I joked I was pretty sure I saw birds returning wearing sunshades…lol

Then I quickly caught myself and realized….hey, wait a minute! Something’s NOT right! Why are the birds returning so early? And I noticed a few flowers beginning to bloom….in February!?! Naturally most people in my region were loving the warm temps and sunshine in February.

But the birds returning so early really gave me serious pause! So much so that I expressed my concern to my best friend. She wasn’t sure what to make of it so she changed the subject. But the concern stuck with me.
