Clinton-Kaine Open Democratic Convention
Clinton-Kaine on “60 Minutes”
Politics –
Clinton-Kaine Open
Democratic Convention
The 2016 Democratic National Convention will open later today in Philadelphia with the party’s new ticket of Clinton-Kaine. On Saturday, imminent nominee Hillary Clinton introduced Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia as her political partner — however, there’s much more going on inside the Democratic Party today. Read on…
The Democratic ticket of Clinton-Kaine was unveiled in Miami to scores of mostly Hispanic Clinton supporters. Tim Kaine is fluent in Spanish and did not hesitate to use his bilingual skills to the crowd’s delight.
“Bienvenidos a todos en nuestro pais, porque somos Americanos todos,” the Virginia senator said, which translates to: “Welcome to everyone in our country because we are all Americans.” Then in praise of his running mate, Kaine said: “We’re going to be compañeros de alma [soulmates] in this great lucha [fight] ahead.” The crowd was ecstatic.
Democrats and many Republicans alike are in agreement that although Tim Kaine may not be the most exciting choice, he is most certainly the smartest. He is a former mayor of Richmond, former lieutenant governor, former governor and current senator, which meets Mrs. Clinton’s bar of experience and readiness. He represents an important swing state, which could be crucial in getting Hillary Clinton to the magic number of 270 to win the presidency. If Clinton-Kaine wins, the Democratic governor of Virginia will appoint a Democratic replacement for Kaine in the U.S. Senate and assure a party seat is not lost. Tim Kaine addresses Mrs. Clinton’s unfavorability among white male and independent voters, particularly throughout the all-important rust belt of coal miners, steel workers and more. Plus, Kaine is just likeable, which balances the argument that Hillary Clinton is not. For the campaign, it’s a win-win!
One prominent name who is highly in favor of Clinton-Kaine is former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg, who will formally endorse Hillary Clinton during this week’s DNC convention.
Clinton-Kaine enjoyed their “first date” as a political pair during an appearance Sunday night on CBS’ “60 Minutes” that was seen by millions around the world.
Unlike the awkward roll out of Donald Trump and Mike Pence last week on the same television program, Clinton-Kaine went incredibly smooth. It was apparent early on that Mrs. Clinton knows and trusts her running mate. She allowed him to speak equally and present his own opinions to the country, which is something Trump did not do.
When asked why she chose Tim Kaine, Mrs. Clinton was very clear, saying: “Well, as I have said throughout this whole process, the most important qualification is that the person I pick be ready to become president if something were to happen. I don’t think there’s any greater responsibility. So he’s highly qualified.”
Pointing out that Donald Trump calls her “Crooked Hillary,” host Scott Pelley asked Mrs. Clinton her insult name for Trump.
“I don’t call him anything,” Clinton said. “And I’m not going to engage in that kind of insult fest that he seems to thrive on. So whatever he says about me, he’s perfectly free to use up his own airtime and his own space to do. I’m going to talk about what he’s done, how he has hurt people in business time after time after time. His vicious language against immigrants. His insulting a distinguished federal judge of Mexican heritage. His mocking a person with a disability. His really inflammatory language about Muslims, about American Muslims, about Muslims all over the world. His demeaning comments about women. I’m going to respond to what he has said that I think is so fundamentally at odds with who we are as a nation, where we need to be heading in the future, and the kind of dangerous, risky leadership that he’s promising.”
Surprisingly, Tim Kaine then jumped to her defense, saying Trump’s name calling is a “5th-grade” game.
“She’s done a good job of letting the water go off her back on this. That’s not the way I feel,” Kaine said. “When I see this, you know, “Crooked Hillary,” or I see the, “Lock her up,” it’s just ridiculous. It is ridiculous. The Republican FBI director made a decision that there’s nothing here that warrants any additional activity.”
His response was well-played and proved how perfect of a compliment a potential Vice-President Kaine would be to his boss.
For months now, Bernie Sanders has claimed that the Democratic National Committee was biased and that chairperson Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was actively working against him in order to help Hillary Clinton. Well, Bernie Sanders was right.
Last week, WikiLeaks publicly released private DNC emails that were apparently hacked by the Russian government. Despite numerous claims from Wasserman-Schultz that she was fair, the emails proved otherwise
Out of dozens of examples, one email from a DNC official to Wasserman-Schultz asked of Sanders: “Does he believe in a God? He had skated on saying he has a Jewish heritage. I think I read he is an atheist. This could make several points difference with my peeps. My Southern Baptist peeps would draw a big difference between a Jew and atheist.” Her response downplayed the need, as the emails quoted Wasserman-Schultz saying “Bernie Sanders will never be president.”
So much for credibility and remaining impartial.
On Sunday, the Clinton campaign, the Sanders campaign and President Obama all called for Debbie Wasserman-Schultz to resign immediately, since her self-imposed scandal 24 hours before the convention could upstage Clinton-Kaine and the message of DNC unity. She agreed to step down — but only at the end of the week, after she is allowed to speak briefly as she opens the convention and is then allowed to close the convention. Somehow, Clinton, Sanders and The White House all signed off on her demands. But why??
By now, Wasserman-Schultz is a distraction to Clinton-Kaine and to the party as a whole. She is an embarrassment for lying about being impartial. She has given new life to Sanders supporters who remain wary about the Democratic party. She has also provided Donald Trump with fuel to mock the DNC and steal focus from this week’s event. Her continued presence as chairperson is poor optics and merely extends the story longer than if she had simply disappeared quietly.
Hopefully, something will change before 4pm EDT Monday, when Wasserman-Schultz is scheduled to take the podium. In the interim, former Al Gore campaign manager and current CNN political analyst Donna Brazille will take over leading the DNC.
Aside from the Debbie Wasserman-Schultz scandal, what do you think of the Clinton-Kaine pairing?
Re: The DNC email scandal
And people wonder how it is that such a dangerous moron as Donald Trump could possibly be one election away from wining the Presidency!?!
Please forgive me DJ. I simply have to say something about the Debbie Wasserman-Schultz scandal before sharing my thoughts on the Clinton-Kain pairing. I'll keep it brief.
Regular readers of Ok Wassup! know that I'm no fan of Sanders, having expressed why I'm not fan on more than one occasion.
But that said. The DNC under Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's leadership has been arrogant, very biased and sloppy to say the least in how they dealt with the Democrat primaries and with Sanders in particular.
Wasserman-Schultz should have been forced to resign a long time ago. But high-ranking Dems, including the President, kept supporting her…Until Now. And now it's come back to bit the Dems in the rear-end…and at the worst possible time…smh. Serves them right.
We will have to wait and see how it effects the convention and voters. But more and more Americans are becoming fed-up with the OBVIOUS "rigged" system of both political parties.
And Hillary Clinton and the entire Clinton campaign staff had better understand…..she could indeed LOSE to Trump in November. THAT is a very real (and frightening) possibility.
And they will have nobody but THEMSELVES to blame for that loss.
Hey Truth they did try to fire her a long time ago. I remember hearing about Obama calling her to the White house to fire her. But he can't because it has to come from the whole committee. But I think it's stupid for her to resign and then stay until Thursday. Something tells me there is more going on here. It's about money or some support in Florida or something. Maybe she has secrets on Hillary and could expose something if they don't let her stay, I don't know. I just got that feeling in my gut that something else is up. Otherwise who let's somebody quit but keep coming around for more days.
Aside from the Debbie Wasserman-Schultz scandal, what do you think of the Clinton-Kaine pairing? […]
Truth is, before it was made official, I was not hyped about Kaine as Hillary's VP pick. But I had an opportunity to sit and hear him speak at their joint rally in Miami on Saturday…..and then I did my own research of his bio….and I have to admit, the man is quite impressive. Not just his governing knowledge and skills. But also his personal history. His aptitude and fitness for carrying out his job duties whatever that job may be.
For example, in addition to presenting as a good family man and devout man of faith, he seems genuinely dedicated to achieving racial and social justice for ALL Americans having devoted 17 yrs of his life to fighting for the victims of such injustices through his private law practice. In other words, he appears to be a man of genuine high moral character.
Btw- Kaine and his wife still attend the same (predominantly BLACK) Catholic Church they've been attending for 30 years.
I now find myself, hoping (and praying) that HE will be able to keep Hillary and her campaign staff on the straight-and-narrow (if you will) and Out of trouble going forward.
I hope (and pray) that Kaine truly has Hillary's ear and that HE can prevail in giving her wise counsel and be the voice she trusts most in the room. NOT Bill.
The future of this country is at stake. WE can't afford the arrogant and stupid-azz games the Clintons love to play.
When I first heard it was Tim Kaine I have to admit I was not real excited. Then I heard him speak over the weekend and it made me interested a little more. But the points DJ made about him appealing to white men and coal miners and all makes a lot of sense. I remember when Obama won there was talk he needed a white man by his side to calm some people who wasn't ready for a black president. Well it looks like Hillary needs a white man too because a lot of people aren't ready for a woman president. So Kaine can focus on people in Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and a lot of the same people who are going crazy for Trump. In the end he is a good choice.
CNN just said Debbie Wasserman Schultz is not going to speak this week after all. She got booed so bad this morning in front of a committee that she was embarrassed. I don't know what made her think she could speak and everybody would listen. These Bernie people would boo her off the stage.
Big surprise she's a crook. I'm not a democrat but I know Bernie got shafted.