
Clinton Seeks Unity With Sanders

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Clinton and Sanders Ready To Unite?
Clinton and Sanders Ready To Unite?

Politics –
Clinton Seeks Unity With Sanders

Next week’s June 7th primary (California, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota) is the date political pundits are predicting will push Hillary Clinton over the top as the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee. In preparation for that day, Hillary is already reaching out to Bernie Sanders with a peace offering.

Clinton Sanders 2On Tuesday, Hillary announced that her camp has been in direct contact with the Bernie Sanders campaign concerning a collective goal: unifying the Democratic Party.

The Democratic primary process has been a long and protracted battle. Bernie Sanders supporters have grown emotional about their candidate and seem far from accepting the inevitable nomination of Hillary Clinton. Many have even threatened to stay home and not vote at all if Sanders is not the nominee, which wouldn’t bode well for a Democratic victory in the fall.

Only 7 primaries and caucuses are left and roughly 800 delegates remain up for grabs. However, Mrs. Clinton only needs 71 more delegates to win the nomination.  Anyone can plainly see that the writing is on the wall.

With Republicans already coalescing (albeit begrudgingly) around Donald Trump, Democrats simply must follow suit and begin the healing process of coming together to defeat Trump in November.

Surprisingly, that process is already underway.

In a recent interview on CNN, Hillary Clinton said that hers and the Sanders camps are in fact in communication, with talks set to intensify immediately following next week’s primary.

“I will certainly do everything I can to unify the Democratic Party,” Clinton said. “Our campaigns have been reaching out to one another. We will continue to do that.” She added that both she and Sanders “are going to do everything we can “to prevent Republican candidate Donald Trump from winning the November 8th presidential election.”


Is Bernie Sanders finally ready to accept political reality?  Is he truly prepared to unite the Democratic Party behind Hillary Clinton?  After all of the vitriol of the primaries, can he/will he convince his supporters to get behind Hillary?


Clinton Sanders 3


OK WASSUP! discusses politics.  Today’s article:
Clinton and Sanders are already talking unity.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Of the things I treasure most….the gift of Life, the Love of family, and my faith…all being at the top…..

    Time, information and knowledge/education are among the next most important things on my list.

    From the start of this presidential primary season, I never supported Bernie's candidacy. I viewed him then as I do now – he's an admitted socialist NOT a Democrat. However, for quite awhile he did APPEAR to be the most "authentic" person of the entire bunch running (Dem or Repub). Suffice it to say that now…after really observing Bernie over Time (his words and actions)….I'm done with any notion that Bernie is "authentic" in any way, shape, form or fashion. Bernie is out for Bernie. Period.

    And I said all that to say this……

    Hillary's doing what she has to do to placate that old man (and his supporters) albeit within reason. She knows, as We all know, We must be united not just to win the White House but to save this country..even the world…from the certain catastrophe of a Trump presidency. .

  2. I hope everything said here is true because I heard Sanders saying today he might still fight all the way to the convention. Let it go Bernie. It's time for Dems to get on the same team so we can stop trump. No way we can let him have control of the country.

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