Clinton Trump Conspiracy???
Politics –
Clinton Trump Conspiracy???
We’ve heard it all before: Donald Trump is a shill for Hillary Clinton and is only running for the White House just to throw the election and make Hillary the first female President of the United States. Fact or fiction?
In light of Trump’s recent trip to the dark side by saying he wants to ban all Muslims from entering the U.S., Republicans have revived talks of a Clinton Trump conspiracy. However, the idea is not as farfetched as some may think.
Consider this: Trump and the Clinton’s have identified a large and powerful wing of the Republican Party — you know, the ones who can’t go anywhere without packing several semi-automatic guns, who don’t like “that Muslim” (code for black man) in the White House and are always nostalgic about “the good ol’ days” and wanting to “take our country back. Well, telling them everything they want to hear and feeding them a smorgasbord of all the racist and ignorant “red meat” they can eat would be irresistible. It would also be a pretty clever trick.
Trump could play directly to these right-wing nut jobs, exposing to the world what the Republican Party is really made of, while handing President Hillary Clinton the White House on a silver platter. All he’d have to do is keep feeding the GOP crazies more and more racist and fascist bullshit, then either win the GOP nomination outright or mount an Independent campaign that he can simply throw at the 11th hour. An announcement on election eve that he’s bowing out of the race, or better yet, the day after the election (depending on the results) telling all of America that they’ve been PUNKED (with Ashton Kutcher standing by his side, of course), would just be the cherry on the parfait.
Genius plan, but is it plausible? You bet it is!

Many Black, Hispanic and other ethnic friends of Trump have been eerily silent during his race-baiting race for the White House. So the question is, would people like Bill and Hillary Clinton, Def-Jam records founder Russell Simmons and others really remain decades-long friends with Trump if he were the dumb racist he claims to be? Could he be an effective real estate powerhouse with such radical viewpoints? Likely not.
Donald Trump may have made a name for himself as a real estate man, but let’s not forget his brilliant acting jobs on reality television shows such as “The Apprentice.” Playing a good soldier in a Clinton Trump conspiracy could be the role of his lifetime. Or he could just be another bloated white racist who’s full of shit.
You decide!
You know DJ…I'm willing to entertain the possibility that Trump's whole sham of a presidential campaign may have initially started out as backroom deal between himself and the Clintons.
However, the Clintons are smart. They know the man couldn't ever be trusted. NOT NEVA!!!…lol
Being the 'YUGE" narcissist butt-hole that he is, that deal fell by the wayside the second he realized he could successfully run *game* on the entire Republican party by trashing the GOPe …which appeals to a sizable portion of Repub base voters who gleefully support his candidacy as long as he continues stomping around assuming the role of the *Grand Wizard,* while spewing an endless barrage of extreme far-right BS.
Add to that his ability to command darn near Unprecedented attention (same as oxygen for him) from the news MEDIA to the tune of tens of millions of dollar$ of FREE publicity.!?!
Which, by the way, brings me to the conclusion that Trump really does NOT want to be President. He's invested little more than shooting off his mouth in his campaign. And until I see him put his money where his big mouth is, this is all just fun and games for Donald. Or at least it WAS.
I suspect, by now, a lot of the fun has actually gone out of it for him, as he finds himself trapped in a political nightmare of his own making (much like the GOPe), with no good options in sight.
Just like the GOPe, he's got not ONE clue as to how to get himself out of this mess without looking like an absolute and total "LOSER.".
Trump is not serious about being president. He's up to something I can feel it.
And on a related note…….THIS does not suprise me at all..
Trump rules out third-party bid 'no matter what'
The issue first came up during the debate when moderator Hugh Hewitt asked Trump whether he was "ready to reassure Republicans that you will run as a Republican and abide by the decision of the Republicans" amid concerns that an independent bid would sink the GOP's chances of winning the presidency.
"I am, I really am," Trump said.
"I've gained great respect for the Republican leadership. I've gained great respect for many — I would even say all in different forms — of the people on the stage."
Trump added that he's "totally committed" to the GOP and "honored to be the front-runner."
"I will do everything in my power to beat Hillary Clinton," he said. [….]
H/T: The Hill
"I will do everything in my power to beat Hillary Clinton."
HAH. No he won't…because he knows darn well it would take a lot of MONEY to run as an Independent…and as I pointed out in my previous response, to date, the man has invested pretty much NO money on his campaign. And I don't expect that to change.
He'll continue to run game on his supporters and use the news media for FREE publicity while this whole sham plays out.
The when it ends (in the primaries or the general) he'll go home, which means his supporters are heading for a major let down. .
Good point Truth, I never thought about that. Trump doesn't have to spend a dime. Just keep saying crazy things and he gets all the free press he wants. I'll give it to him, that's a smart way to keep his name in the news.
BD, I'm telling you…..the man has no shame.
It's so obvious now that he really doesn't want to BE president and I think it highly unlikely that he ever did which is why he has never actually invested in his own campaign.
He wanted to run for president to grow his "brand." That seems to have backfired.
He effectively plays the American news media to get Free press, especially CNN. And the press exploits and hypes his bufoonery, in-kind.
Of course, the biggest *losers* in all this will be all the people who actually believed/ still believe in Trump.