From the self-promotion of Donald Trump to racists who still can’t accept a black president, “birther” talk has literally hijacked the news lately regarding the birth certificate and eligibility of President Barack Obama. But CNN has uncovered new information that should put the entire issue permanently to rest.
In light all the birthers who wish to challenge Mr. Obama’s eligibility to be president, CNN did its own non-partisan investigation into the matter. Their ace in the hole? The former director of the Hawaii Department of Health, who also happens to be a staunch Republican, has come forward to certify the official existence of Mr. Obama’s birth certificate.
And in a documentary which aired Monday night, CNN also showed the original Honolulu newspaper announcement from August 4, 1961, listing the birth of a son on that date to Mr. and Mrs. Barack Obama. But conspiracy theorists claim the announcement was a plant made by the grandmother at the time — as if anyone knew this infant would one day grow up to be president and would need newspaper proof of his birth. Yeah, right!
Nevertheless, here now is a portion of the stunning and eye opening CNN documentary.
As if CNN had to do this because the Clintons and John McCain's people (all of who would have given their right-arm to get any kind of evidence AGAINST Presidential candidate Obama)…in the end FAILED to seek such evdience!?!Nonetheless, I am glad CNN did their own investigation. It won't mean a d*mn thing to RACISTS and political opportunistic DOGS who couldn't care less about the Truth because the Truth is, that BLACK man sitting in the White House IS an American citizen..and that Hateful bunch just can't stand the thought of THAT…smh.
Amen Truth! Anybody can see this is all because Obama's black. In this county if your black you either not qualified of not eligible. Nobody came out to investigate John Mccain being born in the Panama Canal, which isn't a state. If anybody wasn't eligible and should of been investigated it's Mccain. This is sickening. They are gonna do everything they can to keep that black man from getting back in that White House.
*…BREAKING NEWS….*MSNBC: "Pres. Obama releases long form birth document, rips 'silliness' of debate over issue"<span><span><span>WASHINGTON — </span>Saying he has long been “bemused” and “puzzled” over the fascination the controversy surrounding his birth certificate, President Obama on Wednesday released a copy of the long-form version of the document, saying the country does not have time for the "distraction" and "silliness" of the issue. […]</span></span><span><span></span></span><span><span></span></span><span><span></span></span><span><span>MSNBC.com</span></span><span><span></span></span><span><span>Thank You Mr. President! </span></span><span><span></span></span><span><span>You shouldn't have had to do THIS…and it certainly AIN'T gonna make a bit of difference to the folks that Hate you because you exist. </span></span><span><span></span></span><span><span>But Thank You anyway!</span></span>