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CNN: Is The Network Dying A Slow Death?

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Is the Cable News Network (CNN) operating on life support and nearing an impending death?

Current Events :
That’s what some analysts believe is happening at the once-revered news station known for Headline News, Wolf Blitzer and his election night coverage, and more.

For decades, CNN was branded as the “trusted news network” that provided real news with truth alongside a slight liberal slant. However, the moment current news honcho Chris Licht became the boss just over a year ago, CNN sunk in ratings and popularity and now appears poised to be laid to rest in the old news graveyard.


Since taking the reigns at CNN in February of 2022, Licht not only set out to remove any hint of liberal partisanship across the network but to effectively make it Fox News-light. Interestingly, he has all but succeeded.

In a move he claimed would make the network an overnight hit, Licht removed anchor Don Lemon from his nightly news hour and recast him in a 3-host format for a brand new morning show. Lemon and co-hosts Poppy Harlow and newcomer Kaitlin Collins mixed about as well as oil and water and Lemon was fired from the network only a few weeks ago. The show is also a huge flop.

Licht has since chosen to remove Collins from the morning show and promote her to the coveted primetime 9pm slot — a move that has already come with mixed reviews.

However, it was Licht’s decision to hand Donald Trump an unfiltered Town Hall presentation during primetime that has drawn the harshest criticism.

Donald Trump with CNN’s Kaitlin Collins

The CNN/Trump Town Hall — which aired last week — was nothing more than a Trump infomercial, as ‘The Donald’ was given carte blanch to say and do whatever he wanted. Naturally, he performed all of his old hits including “I Won,” The Election Was Rigged,” “Everyone Is Lying About Me,” and more.

Now, former and current CNN staffers are going public with their newfound disdain for the network, especially following the Trump Town Hall debacle.

“This is so bad,” a current CNN on-air personality told The Daily Beast anonymously. “I was cautiously optimistic despite the criticism… it is awful. It’s a Trump infomercial. We’re going to get crushed.”

Chris Licht

“One of the worst hours I’ve ever seen on our air,” another CNN staffer said.

“I’m floored by this whole evening,” yet another on-air commentator said.

However, it was well-known CNN personality Christiane Amanpour who fearlessly laid down the gauntlet on the network.

Amanpour met with Licht earlier this week to express her condemnation following CNN’s decision to allow Trump “to appear in that particular format,” as well as his decision to broadcast Trump’s remarks live before an unruly audience. 

According to Amanpour, Licht acknowledged that “the execution was lacking a little,” but maintained that the network “did the right thing,” and that the town hall was “a service to the American people.”

Christiane Amanpour

Amanpour respectfully disagreed.

“We know Trump and his tendencies, everyone does,” she told Licht. “He just seizes the stage and dominates, no matter how much flack [sic] the moderator tries to aim at the incoming. It doesn’t often work.”

According to The Associated Press, CNN’s ratings have taken a 61% dive in primetime since Licht took over. If that’s not enough, the ratings-challenged cable news network drew just 335,000 average viewers during its 3-hour prime-time block last Friday — placing it not only behind Fox and MSNBC but also fringe outlet Newsmax.

The death rattle is loud and unbearable over at the once-prominent cable news network. Either Chris Licht’s days are numbered, or it’s time to give CNN its last rites and a fond farewell before burial.

OK WASSUP! covers Current Events:
CNN and Chris Licht are collapsing.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. So then what we have here (Licht) is another smug, arrogant and patently incompetent White man who has probably Failed his way forward most, if not all, of his adult life.

    And someone thought it was a good idea to hire his sorry azz and put him in charge of running CNN!?!

    Well okaaaay.

  2. No doubt about it, the recent Townhall debacle is Compton Licht.

    However, to be fair, I believe CNN was dying a slow death way before this joker was hired. I would posit that CNN sold its Soul a long time ago when it fully embraced giving Trump a global platform to spew his venom way back when birtherism was used against Pres. Obama to try to destroy him.

    Trump has literally owned CNN (and also MSNBC to a slightly lesser degree) since way back then.

  3. CNN has been going downhill a longtime now. I cannot remember the last time I watched them. Then I read they just paid millions to Gail King and Charles Barkley to do a new show and try to get people watching again. They are really stretching.

  4. Part of the problem is people get news in other ways now instead of television. But it is also that new boss. He does not know what he is doing. Seems like he keeps throwing things at a wall to see what sticks. They need to fire him before it all gets worse.

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