Comments on: CNN’s RICK SANCHEZ FIRED! News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:57:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Tue, 05 Oct 2010 16:46:30 +0000 "Did Rick Sanchez hand CNN the excuse they were looking for to get rid of him?"Short answer: Yes.But let's face it: Calliing OUT one's employer AIN'T smart if one wants to keep one's job. And not being able to handle Jon Stewart (an Equal Opportunity "mocker" who goes after anyone he deems fair game, including the President) was an OVER-reaction to say the least. HOWEVER, that doesn't mean his entire rant (meaning his rant against the media) is without SOME merit. He sounds like a man (perhaps an insecure man?) whose professional experiences have not been all that pleasant (real or imagined) and Stewart was the "straw that broke the camel's back" if you will. Rick's been holding stuff in and he used his beef with Stewart to GO OFF on the REAL object of his anger, Northeastern Jewish "Bigots."   But he's got me curious: Just WHO are the dominant owners/controllers of most of the U.S. media? Are what region are most of those "elites" from? And IS the general attitude among most of those elites "bigotry"..?Nepotism certainly seems to be ALIVE and well in the national cable news industry.BTW: (on a somewhat related topic) I happen to catch about 15 minutes of the Parker-Spitzer debut on CNN last night and let's just say: WoW. What an absolute WASTE of my time_smh.
