
Collusion ‘Not A Crime’ Says Rudy Giuliani

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Former New York City mayor and current Donald Trump flunkie, Rudy Giuliani, is known for making wild and outlandish statements.  However, his current claim that collusion is NOT a crime is quite a doozie!

For more than a year, Donald Trump and his team of lawyers have consistently claimed there was no colluding between his campaign and Russia in its hack of the 2016 Presidential election.  Trump has uttered the phrase “No Collusion” in nearly every speech, every tweet, and it was even discovered handwritten on his notes as he sought to explain why he kowtowed to Russian President Vladimir Putin during their recent summit.  So, for Giuliani to come out of left field with a brand new trick-phrase that perhaps collusion isn’t so bad after all is just down-right strange.

Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen

During an appearance Monday on CNN, Giuliani attempted to make the case that Trump’s former lawyer/fixer, Michael Cohen, is (all of a sudden) a liar and “a bad person,” and that neither he nor former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, were ever really all that important or close to “The Donald.”

“They’re not going to be colluding with Russia, which I don’t even know if that’s a crime, colluding about Russians,” Giuliani said. “You start analyzing the crime — the hacking is the crime. … The President didn’t hack.”



noun  col·lu·sion  \ kə-ˈlü-zhən \

secret agreement or cooperation especially for an illegal or deceitful purpose

  • acting in collusion with the enemy

from the Merriam-Webster dictionary


Why, exactly, would the Trump team spend the better part of a year denouncing even the possibility of collusion, only to make an about-face and claim that perhaps colluding isn’t really a crime after all?

Robert Mueller

Could it be because Special Counsel Robert Mueller is about to commence with the prosecution trial this week against Paul Manafort?  Or, could it be because Michael Cohen has flipped on “The Donald” and is singing like a canary about what he knows to Mueller and his team?

Actually, it’s BOTH of those!

Donald Trump is probably 99.999% sure that both Manafort and Cohen have provided the feds with proof of his collusion with Russia.  So, he’s seeking to jump out ahead of the news to first pretend that neither man was ever really that close or important to him — and, of course, to also now begin to introduce the theory that collusion isn’t really a crime or all that bad after all.

Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.


OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
Giuliani claims collusion is NOT a crime.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. You might be right DJ. It looks like Trump is trying to prepare everybody for collusion charges so they are already saying it is no big deal. If Manafort or Cohen talk this week and give proof about collusion Trump is cooked. So it does seem like Guliani is trying to already control the public opinion about it.

  2. Have you ever witnessed a more despicable cast of characters, beginning with their president.

    Bottom-feeders. Every last one of them…smh!

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