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Hallelujah!  That odd and confusing color-coded terror threat level system is no more!

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano will officially announce today at a “State of America’s Homeland Security” speech at George Washington University, that the DHS will end the current threat level system in April, in favor of a newer one.

The system was established in 2002 to inform the public of any current risk of terrorist acts through a five-level, color-coded “Threat Condition” indicator.  But the system never fully caught on with the general public and was often ridiculed for being confusing and possibly used as a political tool for the George W. Bush administration.  Nowadays, the old fluctuating system has simply become outdated and ineffective, since the terror threat level for the U.S. government is kept consistently elevated, or yellow, while all domestic and international flights traveling in or out of the U.S. are consistently kept at high, or orange.

The new system is being renamed the National Terror Advisory System.  In an effort to make the system more effective and informative for the public, the DHS intends to refocus it to reflect specific threats in specific geographical areas. 


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. "The system was established in 2002 to inform the public of any current risk of terrorist acts through a five-level, color-coded "Threat Condition" indicator."HAH. Stop it DJ, you're killing me here…lol. The sytem was established by G.W. Bush and company as a Republican GIMMICK, after 9/11, to give the APPEARANCE of being a serious anti-terrorist tool used to inform the public. Sadly, there are enough gullible Americans who bought it (hook, line and sinker) that Repubs got away with the GIMMICK for a little while…smh. 

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