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Comey Memo Will End Trump Presidency

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Comey Memo will end Trump presidency.

Top News Today –
Comey Memo Will
End Trump Presidency

The actual amount of years, months, or even days Donald Trump has left inside The White House is anyone’s guess. However, the smoking gun being dubbed the Comey Memo has effectively put an end to the Trump presidency.

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On Tuesday night, the political world was turned upside-down with shocking news from The New York Times: Donald Trump asked deposed FBI Director James Comey to end the investigation into former NSA Director Michael Flynn and squash any discussion of potential Trump-Russia collusion.

According to Comey, he was at a February 14th Oval Office briefing with Trump that also included VP Mike Pence and Attorney General Jeff Sessions, when Trump asked Pence and Sessions to leave the room.  Once the 2 men were alone, Trump told Comey “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.”

Naturally, Comey was appalled by the request and “concerned” that Trump was secretly attempting to “stop the investigation.” So, Comey began keeping memos to document the exact details of what he was being asked to do, as a “just in case” for a rainy day.

Well, that rainy day is here. In fact, it’s a typhoon!

comey memo


IF the Comey Memo does, in fact, exist (and there’s no reason to believe it doesn’t) and IF the memo provides proof that a sitting President of the United States asked the FBI Director to do him a solid and stop investigating his BFF Michael Flynn and the entire Trump-Russia collusion probe, then it’s game over. Check and Mate. The fat lady has sung and left the building!

“Three words: obstruction of justice,” CNN senior legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin said on Tuesday. “Telling the FBI director to close down an investigation of your senior campaign adviser for his activities during your campaign for president, if that’s true, that is obstruction of justice.”

” ‘Close it down’ is an instruction to stop investigating President Trump’s campaign. Richard Nixon was impeached in 1974 for telling the FBI to stop an investigation of his campaign. That’s what Watergate was,” Toobin continued. “If (Comey’s) telling the truth, I don’t know how anyone can see this comment as anything but obstruction of justice.”

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comey memoFrom the ill-advised firing of James Comey, to the ill-advised invitation to Russian diplomats (and likely spies) inside the Oval Office, to the absolutely idiotic leak of classified intelligence to the Russians, the Republican Party has been eerily silent on the stumbles and fumbles of their president. However, as Trump’s Titanic continues to sink by the day, GOP leaders are beginning to realize it’s time to grab a lifeboat and save their own asses.

On Tuesday, House oversight committee chairman Jason Chaffetz said that if James Comey possesses a memo detailing Trump’s request to end a federal investigation, then his committee is prepared to issue subpoenas to get it.

“.@GOPoversight is going to get the Comey memo, if it exists. I need to see it sooner rather than later. I have my subpoena pen ready,” Chaffetz tweeted.

comey memo

Is the Comey Memo what Donald Trump was referring to when he publicly threatened the former FBI director to shut up and not talk to the media about their private talks, or else he would release tapes of their conversations from inside the Oval Office?

James Comey sure hopes so.

“He would love to have them (Oval Office tapes),” a Comey source said. “One of his reasons for writing these memos is the concern this couldn’t be corroborated — but that could be met if there are tapes.”

If the memos say what Comey claims they do, then we are looking at the textbook definition of obstruction of justice — a charge that certainly rises to the level of “High Crimes and Misdemeanors” and the (now) extreme possibility of impeachment proceedings.

As for “The Donald,” his WORST case scenario is that he gets impeached, is thrown out of office, and forced to face proceedings for obstructing justice in a federal investigation. However, his BEST case scenario is that a long congressional investigation involving subpoenas, witnesses, etc. gums up the Trump-GOP agenda and effectively relegates him to the status of a lame-duck president.

Either way, it’s lose-lose for Donald Trump and it appears his presidency has come to an untimely end.

.comey memo


RIP Trump Presidency
January 20, 2017 ~ May 16, 2017


OK WASSUP! Top News Today:
Comey Memo ends Trump presidency.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. I'm with you DJ. This sham of a presidency is "effectively" over thanks to "the Donald" himself and *death by a thousand SELF-inflicted cuts.*

    We're just waiting on the fat-lady to sing (Repubs to join Dems in moving forward with a Special prosecutor and/or Independent investigation) to get to the Truth and get on with impeachment proceedings. We're obviously NOT at that point yet Dems really need to use their brains and restraint. Whether WE like it or not 60 million Americans voted for that patently UNFIT charlatan. Yes. he lost the popular vote but he won the electoral college count (We really must do something about the critical flaw in the EC).

    As I expressed in a related-post the other day "impeachment" won't come quick or easy. However, in light of this latest revelation I do think we're closer to it now than before. Still…We need to let the process play out (continue gathering concrete evidence and building the case against Trump and even his associates).

    I think when all is said and done, it will be the "Follow the money" that's going to give Us the Truth.

    And Trump's ham-fisted attempts to "Cover-up" his actual "connections" to Russia will put an end not only to his presidency but he may also find himself facing federal criminal charges. I certainly believe that Flynn, Manafort and others are probably looking at some serious charges.

    1. Truth this fool has done so much damage to himself I don't know how they will begin to go over everything. The Comey memo is enough to bring him down but let's not forget the story from yesterday about leaking to Russia. They were saying Israel was the source and they are mad as hell, so now that relationship is damaged. Also lives are at risk by his slip of the tongue. Then there is the whole Russia collusion. There are so many things to bring him down it is not even funny. Whatever agenda he was going to try to do is over. The rest of his days will all be about investigations until he either quits or Dems win next year and impeach him.

      1. He may not have to be impeached. Congress could invoke the 25th Amendment to rule him unfit for office.

  2. TAC Reader:
    Who will he take down with him?

    I understand that 48 people in the Nixon White House went to jail. And Nixon was a smart and very popular president.

    If I worked in the White House today I don’t think I would go back to work in the morning. Being near Trump is like being in close proximity to nuclear waste. […]

    TAC Reader:
    Past performance is the best indicator of future behavior. This has always been the logic used by reasonable people to resist Trump’s rise to the powerful position he now regularly abuses. Those who most vigorously oppose him are best advised to back off until this elephant has destroyed all the china. Continuing restraint by congressional Republicans will only add to their eventual shame and humiliation. […]

  3. "As Trump’s woes mount, congressional Republicans arrive at a moment of reckoning"


    As President Trump has lurched from one crisis to another, Republicans have chosen a strategy of compartmentalization over confrontation, preferring to look away in hopes that the storm would pass. Now, after a pair of stunning revelations about the president, that approach may have run aground. For the GOP, this has become a moment of reckoning.

    Even without the controversies, Trump has proved to be an unsteady partner. He has provided limited leadership on health care and limited leadership on taxes. He has offered {bullet-points} but no detailed blueprints. He retains the power to sign legislation but in all other ways seems to frustrate or complicate efforts by congressional Republicans to bring those measures to his desk.

    Nor has the president proved to be the master dealmaker that {he claimed to be} His efforts to produce the necessary votes the first time the House was preparing to take up health care came up short. For the most part, he washed his hands of the effort to revive the bill, which barely proved successful. It was revived by House members, though White House officials were pushing for action. Now the Senate is mostly starting from scratch on its own bill.

    The White House is now in perpetual crisis mode, scrambling to keep up with the mercurial president, consumed by talk of a possible staff shake-up, with officials pointing fingers at one another as things spiral away from them. All that also affects the legislative process. It’s not that congressional committees cannot go about doing basic business, but in a 24/7 media environment, coupled with the power of social media to accelerate events, elected leaders have not had the ability to avoid responding. The big story saps the energies of everyone.

    Calls for a special prosecutor or an independent investigation will intensify, though many Republicans will continue to resist, at least until their own political standing is in real danger. But the double revelations of the past two days show that events are forcing a change in everyone’s calculations.

    As the controversies grow worse, so, too, will the tensions increase between the desire of congressional Republicans and the president to maintain a positive relationship and the responsibility of one branch of government to provide a check against another when that becomes necessary. […] – Washington Post


  4. Finally I get to take lunch and check out todays story. Excellent article today DJ. You are spot on right that no matter what his presidency is over. Instead of working on any bills for the country Trump and his people are too busy having to put out a new fire everyday. It has been something new everyday all by his own doing. Even if he keeps the title he is done. He won't be able to get anything accomplished and Dems should be able to win back congress next year. So this is over for Trump. It is funny how all the Repubs are basically being quiet. They don't want him to take them down with him, but it might be too late for them too. They are joined at the hip.

    1. "It is funny how all the Repubs are basically being quiet. They don't want him to take them down with him, but it might be too late for them too. They are joined at the hip."


    On a brief escape from the political firestorm brewing in Washington, President Trump protested the media coverage of his four-month-old administration in a commencement address Wednesday at the United States Coast Guard Academy.

    "No politician in history – and I say this with great surety – has been treated worse or more unfairly," Trump said during his speech in New London, Conn., of both the Washington media and his political critics.

    Telling the Coast Guard cadets that "adversity makes you stronger," he appeared undeterred after a difficult week for the Trump White House. "The people understand what I'm doing – that's the most important thing."

    1. Trump:
      "No politician in history – and I say this with great surety – has been treated worse or more unfairly,"

      Good grief. Such a d*mn CRY-baby….behind a disastrous presidency of his own making..!!!

      And the guy fancies himself an "Alpha male" no less!?! Yes, the same guy who got FIVE deferments (during the Vietnam War) so he wouldn't have to…you know…actually go and fight for his country.

      But he's gonna "Make America Great Again" ? PULeeze….lol.

      Trump couldn't handle 1/10th of what Pres. Obama had to endure.

      And that's the Truth.

  6. BREAKING: at about 6:00 PM (EST)

    "Former FBI Director Robert Mueller to lead Trump-Russia probe"

    Special Prosecutor appointed to investigate Trump-Russia ties

    MSN News:
    The appointment came as Democrats insisted ever more loudly that someone outside Trump's Justice Department must handle the politically charged investigation. An increasing number of Republicans, too, have joined in calling for Congress to dig deeper, especially after Trump fired FBI Director James Comey who had been leading the bureau's probe.

    Earlier Wednesday, Trump complained in a commencement address that "no politician in history" has been treated worse by his foes, even as exasperated fellow Republicans slowly joined the clamor for an significant investigation into whether he tried to quash the FBI's probe.

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