Comey Testimony Winners and Losers
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Comey Testimony
Winners and Losers
By now, the dust has settled on the James Comey testimony last Thursday before the Senate Intelligence Committee — and Donald Trump’s inevitable response. So, who is telling the truth?
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Let’s take a look.
During the Comey testimony which lasted for nearly 3 hours and was watched live by 19.5 million viewers, James Comey answered a series of questions about the FBI’s Russia investigation and his private interactions with Trump. He systematically established a timeline, laid out all the facts, and left senators from both sides of the aisle nearly incapable of injecting politics into the hearing.
Comey admitted to telling Trump that he was not (at the time) an explicit subject of the Russia probe. He also said that Trump’s Twitter problem is greatly responsible for his current mess — particularly Trump’s Twitter threat to Comey that he had secret tape recordings of their conversations. It was that tweet that prompted Comey to protect himself by asking a friend to leak the contents of his memos to the media.
According to a whistleblower and ethics lawyer, Comey’s shrewd move was a carefully orchestrated act meant to document his conversations with Trump and shield him from any legal repercussions.
“It’s clear that Comey understood the legal principles [protecting disclosures],” said Stephen Kohn, a lawyer who specializes in whistleblower cases.
“So long as he ensured the FBI had its own copy of the memos, and so long as the memos were not classified, Mr. Comey’s actions appear to be entirely lawful,” added Brad Moss, a lawyer who specializes in national security and security clearance law.
The fired FBI director said he made the memos because he “was honestly concerned he [Trump] might lie about the content of our meeting, so I felt I had to write it down.” Comey then called Donald Trump a liar multiple times.
When asked about the alleged taped recordings Donald Trump claims to have of their private conversations, Comey was forthright.
“Lordy, I hope there are tapes!” he said, knowing that such recordings would prove his story to be factual.
In typical Trump fashion, “The Donald” claimed immediate victory and “total and complete vindication” following the Comey testimony.
“Despite so many false statements and lies, total and complete vindication…and WOW, Comey is a leaker!” Trump tweeted Friday morning.
Trump’s tweet was referring to Comey’s disclosure that he provided the memos of meetings between himself and Trump to a friend, who then distributed the information to the media with Comey’s knowledge. Nevermind the fact that Donald Trump allegedly asked the FBI director to obstruct justice and drop the case against Michael Flynn. To Trump, Comey is the villain and Donald is the victim.
The official story from Trump’s outside lawyer is that it was Comey who lied when he detailed conversations between himself and Donald Trump, raising the suggestion that Comey committed perjury while testifying under oath.
It’s an interesting, yet predictable strategy.
In TrumpWorld, Donald Trump is NEVER wrong. Donald Trump is NEVER at fault. It’s always the “fake news” media, or his staff, or the Democrats, or ANY and EVERYONE except Donald Trump. In fact, in TrumpWorld, the buck DOESN’T stop here!
Following the Comey testimony, Trump called Comey a liar and said he is ready and willing to testify under oath against the accusations. Trump also flatly refused to confirm or deny if he does have taped recordings of his conversations with Comey, prompting widespread belief that he is merely bluffing.
Nevertheless, House and Senate investigators have demanded that Comey’s memos and any alleged tape recordings Trump purports to have should be turned over to them ASAP.
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In summary, here are the FACTS:
The former Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations has testified under oath that the sitting President of the United States asked him to obstruct justice and turn a blind eye to a case concerning a former presidential adviser and his involvement with a foreign adversary.
A total of 17 US intelligence agencies have all concluded that Russia conducted a successful espionage attack against the 2016 US presidential election and likely influenced the results.
A special prosecutor has been appointed by the US Justice Dept. to investigate likely collusion between the Donald Trump campaign and Russia in their election hack.
First son-in-law and presidential adviser Jared Kushner, as well as Attorney General Jeff Sessions each had multiple conversations with the Russian government prior to the Trump inauguration, that they failed to disclose during their respective security clearances.
The Republican-led Senate and House of Representatives have each looked the other way and prioritized protecting Donald Trump and his people ahead of remaining impartial for the sake of the country.
With all of the known facts, former Republican Rep. Bob Inglis of South Carolina delivered a surprise dose of truth to Speaker Paul Ryan: “You know that you would be inquiring into impeachment if this were a Democrat [president].”
Donald Trump is claiming that everyone is lying and nothing is true. Trump says Comey is lying about allegations that he attempted to obstruct justice. Trump says all of the intelligence agencies are wrong and that Russia never hacked the election. Trump says there was no collusion between his campaign and Russia. Trump also agrees with Kushner and Sessions that their failure to disclose multiple connections with Russia was “accidental.”
Is Donald Trump telling the truth? Is James Comey telling the truth? You be the judge!
Very good summary DJ. Thanks.
Re: Comey's decision to share pertinent memos with a friend to leak to the press
“So long as he ensured the FBI had its own copy of the memos, and so long as the memos were not classified, Mr. Comey’s actions appear to be entirely lawful,”
And that's good enough for me.
19.5 million viewers ain't bad. I certainly watched a bit of it here (online) at my job. But as I expressed last week, I didn't appreciate the decision by cable news to report on parts of Comey's testimony BEFORE he had a chance to testify.
Sessions is scheduled to testify tomorrow.
We shall see if that amounts to anything.
Thank goodness for former Rep. Bob Ingils who is exactly right. If this was a Democrat president he would have been gone by now. They would have run him out of their so fast it wouldn't be funny. But since it's a Repub they are protecting him. Well that is going to come back to haunt them in the next election. I can't believe we have a stooge for a president and how he is making us look to the world. I can't wait for him to get brought down.
Also, I meant to ask if anyone caught McCain's questioning of Comey?
I couldn't watch the entire hearing so I didn't see it.
Some people expressed being "alarmed" by McCain's performance. If my understanding s correct, he addressed Comey as "President Comey"….twice.
And apparently, McCain was all over the map trying to connect dots that had absolutely NO connection to each other.
People aren't buying the excuse for such a performance – a lack of sleep the night before. And viewers will probably pay even closer attention to his performance during the Session's hearing tomorrow..