Comments on: Communications Chaos Inside The White House News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Thu, 22 Jun 2017 11:58:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Thu, 22 Jun 2017 11:58:02 +0000 Maybe now crooked Hillary uppity Obama and the democrats know their place and learned their lesson. […]

Racists. bigots, misogynists and "low IQ" folks are nothing if not predictable.

And trust…I do I understand. Those kinds of folks tend to lash out in such predictable ways because incredibly successful people like Pres. Obama and Hillary Clinton represent what those folks FEAR the most; An educated Black Man who is Self-Confident, has a stellar temperament and exudes Class…and an educated Woman (Black or White) who is Self-Confident and not afraid to stand her ground.

The quandary for Racists. bigots, misogynists and "low IQ" folks is that America won't be going back to the Not so "good OLD days." Trending demographics ARE what they ARE.

You cannot stop Time. You cannot stop progress. You can only Hate and destroy yourself in your Hate.

So be it.

By: Frank Thu, 22 Jun 2017 05:26:19 +0000 In reply to Truthiz1.

Maybe now crooked Hillary uppity Obama and the democrats know their place and learned their lesson.

By: Truthiz1 Wed, 21 Jun 2017 19:50:19 +0000 Off topic for just a moment to speak about a Communication-related problem the DNC and the Dem leadership has. I'll try to keep it short.

Re: the Dem candidate's loss in a Republic district in GA last night to his Republican opponent in a "Special election" run-off last night

IMO, the Dems made two critical errors with that race:

First: The notion that a totally UNknown fella, Jon Ossoff – a Dem and political novice at that – who resides somewhere OUTSIDE the Republican district he was competing in (he couldn't even caste a vote for himself)…was going to go into that Repub district and "flip it" was always a pipe dream, as in "crack-pipe."

Second: Then the DNC and Dem leadership let cable news media shape the entire narrative and predictably cable news (CNN and MSNBC) quickly turned a "Special" election" into a "National" competition. The media needed to create drama and with the notable exception of Dem. Sen. Corey Booker who at least made an attempt to REJECT that narrative, the majority of Dems either sat back and kept their mouths shut OR worse, they fell for the okey-doke. Hook.Line. and Sinker.

Dem donors pumped $25-30 million dollars into that "very slim-to-NO chance" race believing that Ossoff could win it. he lost by 3% points.

Also: The Dem candidate who ran in South Carolina, Archie Parnell…he lost by about 4 % points. But the difference in his case is he received literally NO financial support from the DNC or deep-pockets" Dem donors for his campaign.

Simply put: If these races are ANY indication of the DNC and Dem leadership Communicating to their base, a "fighting spirit" and a 'real plan" to win back the House in 2018 …well I'd say, the Repubs have absolutely NOTHING to worry about.

By: Truthiz1 Wed, 21 Jun 2017 17:59:47 +0000 It's all true. Everything DJ pointed out is true, from start to finish.

Trump is an idiot. A dangerous idiot. But an idiot nonetheless. Full stop.

And yet, it amazes me at just how easily the *King of Chaos, Confusion and Contradictions* (my name for him) continues to play cable news media…at will….24/7.

CNN and MSNBC have the long knives out for Trump…perhaps driven by moreso by guilt for having provided that dangerous man with approx $2 BILLION dollars worth of FREE media over 18 months during the primaries and then general election}. But those two networks, in particular, still can't seem to kick the habit. Every little thing Trump says and does, is covered and sensationalized ad nauseum.

And some of the stuff that flows from the mouths of some program hosts and their guests who make all kinds of ridicules claims. For example- a few days ago I watched a CNN "analyst state emphatically that she had just spoken with "a source" who is "close to Trump" and "knows how Trump's brain works."

Now mind you, Trump doesn't even know how his brain works but somehow some "source" knows..?!!! And that's just one example of the foolishness that floods our new airwaves these days. DJ provided a great example with the video of Trump's attorney babbling nonsense.

I recognize that chasing higher ratings and increasing profits are the sole business model for today's cable news industry. It's just disturbing to watch such a twisted and symbiotic relationship play out in living color, for all the world to see and to the detriment of Our country.

Meanwhile, print journalism is where most of the real investigative news work is happening (The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, New York Times and other credible news resources). Cable news, for the most part, simply informs viewers of what print journalism has published.

Please don't misunderstand me. There are a few folks on cable news who know their stuff.. But I would posit that most of them don't have clue about the subject matter they try to discuss. They're just better at trying to fake-the-funk (if you will). While Trump routinely blurts out absolute nonsense all the time. He doesn't care.

Oh and one more thing…….

I've also noticed how cable news has rendered the alert "Breaking News" almost meaningless.

Okay I'm done.

By: Mr. BD Wed, 21 Jun 2017 11:57:32 +0000 You got that right,Trump is the problem. He doesn't know up from down on any given day or what he is ever talking about. So his supposed message is always changing and he blames all his people for not explaining it right. The man is just stupid and I don't know why anybody would even want to work for him. Also that video of the lawyer on Fox is a comedy. Everybody heard the man say investigation but he still tried to pretend he didn't. So crazy
