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Company Makes Working 3-D Printed Gun

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A Texas company has successfully made a working gun using a 3-D printer, which could open the door to a plethora of dangerous possibilities.

Defense Distributed created a gun it calls “The Liberator” — and has even successfully fired real bullets from the gun.  They are now planning to post online instructions on how to build the same gun (with an $8000. 3-D printer), which is almost certain to bring chaos to the gun debate.

Most people don’t have $8000. to pay for a 3-D printer, but there are gangs, drug dealers, mobsters and international terrorists who do — who would love to easily skirt any background checks or limitations to make and use their own weapons — which would be untraceable!

But Defense Distributed is not the least bit moved by these concerns and posted the following statement on their website:

“Since [the nation’s] inception, it has been legal in the USA to fashion your own firearm, and to talk about doing so. More precise legalities are that it is legal to produce any category of weapon you could ordinarily legally own, so long as you are not providing it for sale or are not prohibited from possessing firearms in the first place. Everything else is free speech, ladies and gentlemen.”

Using robotic arms to make homemade guns could someday soon be relatively easy to do and hard to detect. So what about this type of gun making it into circulation?

According to THE GUARDIAN, they believe we are years away from these 3-D printed guns being reliable and able to work on a consistent basis.

So what about these guns being smuggled onto an airplane?

Defense Distributed has inserted a metal pipe into their weapon so that it is easily detectable by TSA scanners.  However, since any metal part is not required for the gun to fire, anyone who makes their own gun could just skip this step and make the weapon undetectable and illegal.  Hmmm…


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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