Computer Simulation vs Real Life?

What if our lives and everything we thought of as real were nothing more than a sophisticated computer simulation?
Humans regularly play computer games and control characters inside a realistic-looking but make-believe game. Except, what if WE were all characters inside the game console of some higher being? What if our eyes were nothing more than the equivalent of a virtual reality headset creating images that appear real but are merely imagined? What if our death turned out to be a reboot for the next round of play — just like the “characters” in our own games.
Is your mind blown yet? Take a look at the video below and check out just how possible it is that everything we see, know, and love is all fake fun inside some high-powered simulation.
This is a very interesting topic DJ. I truly appreciate you presenting this to Us (your readers) for serious consideration. Thank you!
There was a time (in my young adult years) when I would’ve quickly dismissed ANY such notion that “Real life” as WE know it ISN’T actually “Real” at all as “preposterous” or simply “Coo-Coo for Cocoa Puffs” nonsense.
And let me be clear. I’m NOT at all sold on any notion that ALL of this (our very existence and entire world) may just be “fake fun inside some high-powered simulation” created (and being played) by some “higher beings somewhere.
But here’s what I do believe….I believe there is more…MUCH more…to Us (Our existence, Our world, even Our universe) than meets the eye. And I believe that One “higher being” (God) has created, and controls, it all.
The person who Opened my eyes and my mind to the thought that THIS may NOT be all there is to “Our life and Our world” was my mother – a deeply religious woman. I miss her dearly!
I was about 25 or 26 yrs of age when one summer afternoon mom and I started off talking about something else but somehow ended up having a deep discussion about the possibility of “Other life on other planets…as well as the probability that WE (here on earth) have Failed, thus far, to use Our brain to its fullest potential.
Seriously. until that afternoon, I had always assumed my mother would dismiss any talk of Other life “aliens” on other planets or other universes is *sacrilegious.*
Man was I wrong!…Lol
I was raised by a mother who read all kinds of books all the time – from historical works and other novels to Children’s books, fictional love stories, poems and Almost everything in-between. During my entire childhood to my adult years, we had an incredible library. But I digress.
As I mentioned, my mom was deeply religious. But she was neither dogmatic Nor a fanatic in her beliefs. She was very Open-minded and the smartest Person I’ve ever known. Her father, my “granddaddy” was the smartest man I’ve ever known.
To sum up her thoughts on THIS not being all there is to Our life and Our world, mother simply said to me. If we truly believe there is a “God” and that He created Us and the whole world AND that Nothing is impossible with God then WHY couldn’t He have created “higher beings” on other planets in other universes?
This is a real interesting subject and that video really makes you think. If we are in a computer game then we are not as special or intelligent as we think. It reminds me of looking in a microscope in high school science class at amebas on a slide. Somebody could be looking at us on a slide right now.