Wow, time sure does fly. Who knew it was that time already? Well, it is according to the newly elected Republican Gov. Bob McDonnell of Virginia, who has all but ignored the fact that the Confederacy is insensitive and racially divisive, by declaring April 2010 Confederate History Month. Interestingly, his two Democratic predecessors — Mark Warner and Tim Kaine — refused to commemorate the Confederacy, with former Gov. Warner calling such proclamations, a “lightning rod” that does not help bridge divisions between whites and blacks in Virginia.
The Sons of Confederate Veterans put in a request to Gov. McDonnell, who jumped at the opportunity to get all Virginians “yahoo-ing” in remembrance and celebration of the happy and festive occasion. After all, who wouldn’t want to honor the memory of states that supported slavery and were willing to fight and even secede from the union in order to maintain it?
Well, needless to say, once this story went public the sh*t hit the fan, forcing the governor to backpeddle since his proclamation completely omitted the mention of slavery or slaves. Hmmm… So in response to an onslaught of public, private and online criticism, Gov. McDonnell has now been forced to acknowledge that overlooking the powerfully sensitive issue of slavery was “a major omission” and a “mistake,” in which he now apologizes for. His solution? There are now two proclamations — one that glorifies the Confederacy, and another where the governor refers to the Confederacy as evil and vicious, saying it “has left a stain on the soul of this state and nation.” Is that right?
So on what side of the fence do YOU fall? Do you salute the gallantry of Confederate soldiers by affixing the Confederate flag to the antenna of your pickup truck? Or do you recognize the Confederacy as a fundamentally racist and embarrassingly divisive reminder in American history? Take your pick: McDonnell’s got a proclamation for both!
Honestly, sometimes you just gotta laugh to keep from crying OR wanting to SLAP the sh*t outta some of these ignorant-azz people_smh. McDonnell actually thought he could pull this BRAZENLY RACIST offense, insulting the INTELLIGENCE and sensibilities of MILLIONS of Americans, Blacks AND Whites and get away with it_IN 2010!?! His admission that the "Slavery OMISSION" was a "mistake" came only AFTER it became clear to HIM that THIS was NOT a "smart" move because, dare I say: Most WHITE-Americans recognize The TIMES in which thet live and it AIN'T 1910 OR 1968, for that matter. Most Americans are neither amused NOR supportive of this kind of BS anymore! Little Green Football Commenter:“Wow, it's like when you finally manage to hose off the filth there's a layer of toxic waste underneath!”
I heard about this yesterday and it just sickens me.I apologize in advance for my language, but there is NO WAY IN HELL this guy should be in office with his mentality. How did he not know this would be a dividing issue? Slavery was the worst human rights situation in history and this guy thinks making confederate history month is ok?????SMH. So sad!
I agree with Anon. Get rid of him.