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GOP Senators Caught On Tape

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Current Events – GOP Senators Caught On Tape

Anyone with a brain knows the Republican Party is playing a political game of chicken by shutting down the U.S. Government for not getting their way with Obamacare.  However, the Republican Party appears to be the only ones who don’t know we all know better.  They also don’t seem to realize when a microphone is hot and is recording every word they say.

Current Events
Last week, Sen. Rand Paul approached Sen. Mitch McConnell in the Senate rotunda, to whisper about their strategy involving the government shutdown. “Let’s just keep saying we’re willing to compromise,” Sen. Paul was heard saying.  What Sen. Paul didn’t realize was that Sen. McConnell was about to give a television interview and was wired with a microphone, so everyone could hear his whispers.  Paul went on to verbally confirm that if Republicans continued its current game of attack, they’d be “winning” (his words).

Well, the GOP is not winning — and they appear to be the last to know it. Rep. Jim McDermott (D-Wash.) spelled it out for them with some rather choice words, saying the GOP “can’t figure out how to admit” they’ve lost the battle on Obamacare.

Current Events
“Why would House Democrats give away what the Supreme Court and the 2012 electorate didn’t?,” McDermott said. ‘You can’t say, OK, you get half of Obamacare—this isn’t a Solomonic decision. So we sit here until they figure out they f*ck*n’ lost.”

Meanwhile, the GOP is embarrassed that the American public heard the whispers and found out about their little game — a game everyone already knew about anyway.  WATCH:

OK WASSUP! provides top current events.  Today, GOP discussion caught on tape, regarding game being played with Obamacare.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Are people paying attention to this? Because Repubs are trying to act like it never happened. Yep they're winning allright.

  2. They are so smart yet so stupid. The funny thing is we all knew they were doing this but republicans will deny it even though it has been recorded.

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