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The shooting death of Florida teen Trayvon Martin by a self-appointed neighborhood watchman has raised the stakes in the nation’s race relations.

George Zimmerman claims he shot Martin in self-defense and that his actions were not race related, despite Zimmerman seeming to call Martin a “f*cking coon” on the 911 tapes.  But that was not enough for the Sanford, FL police department to seek an arrest in the case, claiming the state’s “Stand Your Ground” law protects Zimmerman.

The story of the unarmed teen, who was carrying only a drink and a package of Skittles has gone viral and immobilized men, women, blacks, whites, the young and the old from coast to coast. George Zimmerman has also gone into hiding — and for good reason.

On Saturday, the New Black Panther Party released a WANTED poster, offering a $10,000. reward for the capture of George Zimmerman. They believe the controversial Florida law along with the racial profiling of the 17-year-old Martin warrants them taking matters into their own hands.

New Black Panther leader Mikhail Muhammad said over the weekend he believes in “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” and would like to see Zimmerman brought to justice. “If the government won’t do the job, we’ll do it (for them),” Muhammad added, vowing to mobilize 10,000 of his own men to search the area until they find Zimmerman.  What would happen to Zimmerman if he is found is unknown, but it’s not difficult to draw your own conclusions.

The F.B.I. is taking the threat against Zimmerman seriously and are insisting he remain in hiding.  They are also aware that if Zimmerman is ever arrested and sent to jail, he would likely have to remain under permanent protective custody, as the inmates would almost certainly provide him with a bit of “justice” of their own.  Either way, George Zimmerman is a marked man who may not survive the year.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. When I heard about this I was saddened. As my grandmother used to say "Two wrongs don't make a right."I'm no fan of the Black Panthers. And I'm not into *Vigilante Juistice.* I think this "bounty" has the potential to cause more damage than good.

  2. I agree Truth two wrongs don't make it right. This could get out of hand. I hope no more violence is shed.

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