When we travel, most of us wish to travel in style and stay in the coolest hotel available. But how many of us literally mean “cool” as in freezing?
Introducing the Tron-inspired hotel room, built inside the Ice Hotel in Sweden. Designed by Ben Rousseau and Ian Douglas–Jones of Extreme Design, the room is constructed exclusively of ice. The two men are such “massive fans” of the film Tron, they decided to design an “art suite” after the Tron style. The amazing detail inside the suite took the designers 13 days in subzero temperature (-22c) to finish building it.
The suite is called the “Legacy of the River” and it gets most of its inspiration from a nightclub scene in the movie. It’s one of 19 unique rooms at the Ice Hotel in Jukkasjärvi, Sweden, which happens to be celebrating their 20th anniversary.
Here is a “quick” video of the builders fast at work: