Comments on: Cop Arrested In NYC Road Rage Brawl News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:53:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: jennifer Thu, 10 Oct 2013 15:38:19 +0000 I see they have slightly exposed another officer involved in terrorizing the suv driver. His name is Wojciech Braszczok and he is a Detective. Interestingly, his face has been concealed including every piece of his skin. I wonder why? I was able to see some of him in the footage and still pictures of the footage but I want to know what makes it okay to conceal his face. He is no less guilty or wrong than the other officer. Things that make you say hmmm.

By: Lisa Thu, 10 Oct 2013 00:32:23 +0000 All the cops that were riding with this band of outlaws should have been arrested. All of them should have made some form of contact to the police dept and get some back up and put a stop to what is going on. I am glad he was arrested. He should also be fined, stripped of his badge, and jailed.

By: Mr. BD Wed, 09 Oct 2013 17:58:04 +0000 I'm not surprised about the cop. He needed to be arrested. But I have a feeling more will come from all this. The whole thing is out of control.
