
Corker: WH Staff Saving Trump From Chaos

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Sen. Bob Corker…

By now, most of the free world knows that Donald Trump is a raging lunatic and his White House is a catastrophe.  However, a ranking Republican senator says things are worse than we know and that a handful of men are saving the country from crumbling into complete chaos.

Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee, who happens to be the Republican chairman of the Senate foreign relations committee surprised everyone on Wednesday with a shocking condemnation of Donald Trump.  According to Corker, if it weren’t for Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Defense Secretary James Mattis, and White House Chief of Staff John Kelly actually running the country and monitoring Trump’s every move, America would be in turmoil.

L to R: Rex Tillerson, Gen. James Mattis, Gen. John Kelly


“I think Secretary Tillerson, Secretary Mattis, and Chief of Staff Kelly are those people that help separate our country from chaos, and I support them very much,” Corker announced Wednesday to reporters on Capitol Hill.  His words suggested that without Gen. Kelly physically running The White House, Mattis controlling our military and nuclear arsenal, and Tillerson trying to maintain foreign diplomacy, there’s no telling what damage Trump may have inflicted on the country by now.

The unexpected rebuke of Trump by Corker was timely, particularly after NBC News reported on Wednesday that Secretary Tillerson called Donald Trump “a moron” during a Pentagon meeting and actually contemplated quitting his post running the State Department due to “The Donald’s” disastrous lack of leadership skills.  So, when asked about the relationship between Tillerson and Trump, Corker did not mince words.

“I mean, look, I see what’s happening here,” Corker said. “I deal with people throughout the administration and (Tillerson), from my perspective, is in an incredibly frustrating place, where, as I watch, OK, and I can watch very closely on many occasions, I mean you know, he ends up being not being supported in the way I would hope a secretary of state would be supported, that’s just from my vantage point.

Sen. Bob Corker

When asked if he actually believes Tillerson is being undermined by Trump, Corker added: “I think he’s in a very trying situation, trying to solve many of the world’s problems a lot of the times without the support and help that I’d like to see him have.”

Trump referring to North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un as “Little Rocket Man” and impairing Tillerson by publicly telling him not to waste his time on diplomacy with the dictator, is only one example of many that Trump is a loose cannon who’s only being harnessed by 3 very important men.

For example, anyone with eyes could see the disdain on Gen. Kelly’s face the day Trump went off script and made horrible complimentary comments about the white supremacists who marched in Charlottesville.  However, the general public has not been able to see the face of Secretary Tillerson consistently having months of diplomacy work ruined by Trump with 1 sentence or tweet.  It’s this type of reckless abandon that NBC says had Tillerson close to resigning, only to be talked off the ledge by VP Mike Pence.  Apparently, Pence reminded Tillerson that if he, Mattis, and Kelly were not providing adult supervision to “The Donald,” our national security could be at risk.

Reports of a Tillerson/Trump icy relationship apparently struck a nerve inside the West Wing, as Tillerson was forced to face the cameras on Wednesday and issue a (lukewarm) denial of tensions.

Secy. Rex Tillerson

“The vice president has never had to persuade me to remain as secretary of state because I have never considered leaving this post,” Tillerson said at a State Department news conference.  When asked if he had ever referred to Trump as a “moron,” Tillerson never denied the claim but did manage to utter some garbled non-answer that basically amounted to an answer of YES.

As for Sen. Corker, he made it clear on Wednesday that he hopes Mattis, Tillerson, and Kelly remain in their positions because “they’re valuable to the national security of our nation, they’re valuable to us putting forth good policies, they’re very valuable as it relates to our citizens feeling safe and secure.”

He added: “It’s just, they … act in a very, they work very well together to make sure the policies we put forth around the world are you know, sound and coherent. There are other people within the administration, in my belief, that don’t,” he said, in a rather obvious dig at Donald Trump.



OK WASSUP! discusses politics:
GOP Sen. Corker discusses Trump chaos.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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If this is true this is pretty scary. And since it came from another Republican there is no reason not to think it isn’t true. That is why these generals can’t quit because if they do who knows what hell Trump can cause. So they are saving the country from him basically. Thank God for them then.


However, a ranking Republican senator says things are worse than we know and that a handful of men are saving the country from crumbling into complete chaos. […]

Um…okay. Let’s just “tell then truth and shame the devil” as they say. We’re pretty smart people on this site. Hadn’t we already known this to be the case from jump? /rhetorical question

From day One of his presidential candidacy until NOW has the guy ever shown even the slightest of ability in ANY capacity (intellect, competency, civility, temperament etc) to do ANYTHING other than cause utter chaos, confusion and division in Our country? / Again, rhetorical question

He’s a two-legged, walking and talking human DISASTER. And because he currently holds the position of President of the United States (still the most powerful position in the world) it is indeed truly quite frightening.

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