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Herman Cain just won the Florida straw poll.  Rick Perry has continuously proven he is a fringe candidate who would have a hard time on the national stage against the suave incumbent, Barack Obama.  And the powerful Christian Coalition would never allow a Mormon like Mitt Romney to lead their party… not now, not ever!

With only a few months before the Republican National Convention is set to select a nominee, and just over a year before the general election, the GOP is beginning to find itself in a bit of a bind — they are without a “runaway candidate” or a sure-fire winner against the hated Obama.  None of the announced candidates seem to have the “it” factor required to win a national race, while some of the others waiting in the wings (Sarah Palin, Rudy Giuliani) are considered second-rate wannabes who would just be handing 4 more years to the black man in the White House.  So what’s the GOP to do??


Yes, you heard correctly.  It appears party leaders are putting the pressure on Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey to jump into the race, and fast!  Christie has made it extremely clear numerous times that he has NO interest in running for president at this time, since it would deeply interrupt his family life and his son’s senior year in high school. In fact, Christie has been so against running for president that he joked the only thing he could do to prove he’s seriously not running would be to kill himself. But the Repub power brokers are hearing none of it, since they’re getting jittery and don’t want a long, drawn out primary fight between uninteresting candidates to come down to the wire.  And apparently, they don’t see a bright future for any of the existing candidates either.  So Chris Christie seems to be their Super-Man!

The fact that Republicans are putting the heat on Christie to get in the contest says quite a bit about the state of the GOP.  Although Christie is a likable man on the east coast, it is unclear how he would fare throughout the country as the standard bearer of the GOP. Christie is not the typical Republican, is much more of a moderate than the conservative candidate the southern, Christian/Right-to-Life and Tea Party wing of the party craves. And he has made some enemies recently for going against the party line and for not following the Republican playbook.  So, calling on Christie now almost seems like a move of desperation.

Whether or not Christie accepts the call of his party is yet to be seen.  But if he does, would Christie instantly make a “Rick Perry” like jump to the front of the line of contenders?  Could he successfully sell the Republican/Tea Party talking points, even though his record proves he barely believes in most of it himself? And could he beat President Obama in a head to head contest?


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. HAH. Could the GOP get any more ridicules??? Well of course they could..smh.Why ANYONE in the Repub hierarchy is acting "alarmed" at Perry's implosion is beyond me!?!H*ll. Even I (a Black female from PA, with very limited knowledge of Texas politics) have known about Perry's umm…intellectual DEFECTS and *shady* ways for quite a few years now.  That the GOP is reduced to begging…literally BEGGING…an Obese man with chronic asthma and a Jersey accent to ride in at the 11th hour to "save" the party, does indeed say a lot about the current state of that party. Frankly, I think, looking at ALL the madness going on with the Repub party speaks VOLUMES about the current, AND FUTURE, state of the GOP.But regarding Cain's "win" in the Florida Straw Poll:Regular readers of OK WASSUP know that I don't like polls. I consider them to be mostly meaningless, even polls that favor my candidate or opinion. I don't trust most polls because I don't trust the competency or integrity of most pollsters. "WE The People" are constantly being PLAYED by one entity or another (the media, politicians, pollsters, etc) so, with the exception of analyses and predictions by Nate Silver (American statistician and psephologist) I tend to ignore/dismiss most poll results.In the long run, Cain's decisive "win" over Perry and Romney probably won't mean much. However, in terms of the immediate PERCEPTION, "the base" sent a CLEAR message to the Repub establishment AND the media: "Don't try to tell Us who to pick." It was a protest vote: "We don't like ANY of the above."It also sends a CLEAR message to Romney: "And We really DON'T want You." Wow. What a party!

  2. Everybody keeps saying Obamas in trouble, Obamas in trouble, but nobody knows who his challenger will be. If they can't find a good nominee this will be easier than expected. The Cain thing in Florida means nothing but a protest vote.

  3. You know BD, for awhile, I thought that Romney stood a chance (albeit slim) of beating Pres. Obama, given the economy. But let's just say, I don't think that's the case anymore.Christie can jump in OR not. It will make NO difference except to Romney. Christie would sipphon votes from Romney INITIALLY. And then Christie will eventually falter, "the base" will discover he AIN'T who they thought he was. They'll turn on him the same way they're turning on Perry and have already turned against Bachmann.    The mythical "pure Conservative" the "base" is looking for DOES.NOT EXIST. Nor ever existed. And never will.In the meantime: There's so much ignorance, hatred AND *Crazy* spewing from the GOP_to say nothing of Mitt's craven opportunistic tendencies_that when forced to make a choice, I think most Americans will pull the lever for Obama AGAIN rather than risk putting the welfare of THIS nation back in the hands of the Repubs any time soon. I could be wrong…and Time will certainly tell.Obama has been a bit of a disappointment. That's no lie. But the man is smart, a Class Act, and he gives a d*mn about the role of government.The Repubs scare the H*ll out of me AND (I believe) most American voters. 

  4. Everybody keeps saying Obamas in trouble, Obamas in trouble, but nobody knows who his challenger will be. If they can't find a good nominee this will be easier than expected. The Cain thing in Florida means nothing but a protest vote.

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