Trump Organization Case Is The Latest Loss
Chalk up another loss for Donald J. Trump. This time, it involves his coveted Trump organization.
Politics :
Life hasn’t been easy lately for Donald Trump. He was utterly embarrassed during the November 2022 midterm election when several of his hand-picked candidates lost. On Tuesday, another hand-picked candidate, Herschel Walker, lost his US Senate runoff to Democratic incumbent Sen. Raphael Walker. At least 7 cases for various crimes and infractions are pending against ‘The Donald’ including a US Justice Dept. charge that Trump stole classified documents from The White House on his exit.
Now, the Trump organization has run into a ton of trouble.

Earlier this week, the State Supreme Court in Manhattan found the Trump organization guilty of 17 counts of tax fraud and other crimes. According to The New York Times, the conviction stemmed from the company’s practice of handing out off-the-books perks to executives, including luxury apartments, leased Mercedes-Benzes, extra cash at Christmas, free cable television, and more. The company paid zero taxes on none of it.
Although prosecutors did not directly charge Trump for the infractions, they repeatedly connected him to the activities, telling jurors that he frequently and personally paid for some of the perks and was even the likely mastermind behind the scheme.

“We got to see the inner workings of the Trump Organization: the greed, the lies, the cheating,” Manhattan District Attorney Alvin L. Bragg said in an interview. Mr. Bragg also made clear that Trump was involved in “explicitly sanctioning tax fraud,” information some suspect might derail Trump’s 2024 aspirations.
In a statement, a defeated Donald Trump said he was “disappointed with the verdict” but planned to appeal. “The notion that a company could be held responsible for an employee’s actions, to benefit themselves, on their own personal tax returns is simply preposterous,” the statement added.
“It spells doom for the Trump Organization — I really see it as a death knell.”
– Bennett Gershman, Pace University School of Law
The tax fraud conviction against the Trump organization is only the first shoe to drop in a series of convictions and legal battles that are coming for Donald Trump. Stay tuned…
OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
Trump organization is convicted of tax fraud.
The tax fraud conviction against the Trump organization is only the first shoe to drop in a series of convictions and legal battles that are coming for Donald Trump. Stay tuned…
I hope you are right about this.
Meant to respond to this yesterday but I got sidetracked and then my day really got busy.
I’m off work today and can just chill. 🙂
The tax fraud conviction against the Trump organization is only the first shoe to drop in a series of convictions and legal battles that are coming for Donald Trump. Stay tuned…[…] -DJ
I agree with DJ. This is “only the first shoe to drop” as they are “coming for Donald Trump.”
But here’s what’s got me waiting with bated breath: Will they actually *Get* him?
Meaning – with ALL the concrete evidence piling up against the guy daily, will they finally have the Courage to do what is right and arrest and indict his sorry azz?!
And if they do formally charge him and finally put him on trial, will the jury do the right thing and convict him?!
We shall see.