
Coup Against The United States, Says Michael Flynn

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The Donald Trump MAGA movement is so incensed at seeing President Joe Biden inside The White House, they’re now suggesting that a military coup should be staged against the United States.

Former national security advisor and current Trump-flunkie Michael Flynn has joined the MAGA minions and QAnon conspiracy theorists in believing that widespread cheating cost Donald Trump the presidency. In fact, Flynn is so engulfed in the belief that Trump is the rightful winner of the 2020 election, he wants to go beyond the January 6th attack on Capitol Hill and actually overthrow the government and re-install Trump as commander-in-chief.


During the “For God & Country Patriot Roundup” conference in Dallas over the Memorial Day weekend, Flynn said the military coup that happened against the Myanmar government could and should also happen in America.

There’s “no reason” it shouldn’t happen here, Flynn said. “I mean, it should happen here. No reason.”

Flynn previously encouraged Trump to invoke martial law and hold a “do-over” election to get the results he wanted in certain swing states.

The fact that a top military general and former national security advisor to the president would suggest a coup to overthrow the US government was immediately criticized by Democrats and Republicans alike.


One such Republican was Rep. Liz Cheney, who was kicked out of the Republican congressional leadership for daring to go against Trump’s big lie that he was cheated out of the election.

“No American should advocate or support the violent overthrow of the United States,” Cheney tweeted.

Another critique came from a decorated military general.

“This is harmful. This is putting the country at risk,” Gen. Barry McCaffrey said. “I have never heard anything like this, probably in the last hundred years. This kind of, just completely irresponsible, provocative language.”

Once Flynn’s words went viral, he predictably denied ever saying them.

“For all the fake news ‘journalists’: Let me be VERY CLEAR — There is NO reason whatsoever for any coup in America, and I do not and have not at any time called for any action of that sort.  Any reporting of any other belief by me is a boldface fabrication based on twisted reporting at a lively panel at a conference of Patriotic Americans who love this country, just as I do. I am no stranger to media manipulating my words and therefore let me repeat my response to a question asked at the conference: There is no reason it (a coup) should happen here (in America),” Flynn said in a statement.

Apparently, Flynn forgot the marvels of modern technology and the possible existence of his words being captured on video.

Words have weight and carry meaning — and Trump’s MAGA minions take these words literally and as a call to arms.

Are we really at the point where a coup to overthrow the US government is an actual discussion?

OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
Michael Flynn suggests a coup against the US.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Slate:

    There seems to be no limit to the depths of disgrace and discredit that retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn will scrape in his plunge toward political extremism. But does his latest headline-grabber cross the line into criminality? Can he somehow be punished for advocating a coup?

    This is serious business. We’re talking about a retired three-star general who was President Donald Trump’s national security adviser and, before then, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. The fact that he was fired from both of those high posts—from the White House for lying to the vice president, from the DIA for running the agency into the ground—doesn’t minimize the dangers of this appalling, reckless breach of the military’s most sacred commitment to obey lawful civilian authority.

    But, again, did Flynn commit a crime?

    The First Amendment protects free speech, but the Uniform Code of Military Justice—which applies to retired and active-duty personnel of the U.S. armed forces—doesn’t always. Rep. Elaine Luria, a retired Navy commander who is now vice chair of the House Armed Services Committee, said that Flynn’s comments “border on sedition” and that he should be tried in a military court.

    “Sedition” has a pretty strict meaning. Under Article 94 of the UCMJ, an officer is guilty of sedition if he or she “creates, in concert with any other person, revolt, violence, or other disturbance,” while having the “intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of lawful civil authority.” The officer can also be charged with sedition by simply “fail[ing] to do his utmost to prevent and suppress a mutiny or sedition being committed in his presence.”

    1. Slate: This is serious business. We’re talking about a retired three-star general who was President Donald Trump’s national security adviser and, before then, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. […]

      That’s it in a nutshell. Thanks for sharing the article Wil.

      Btw- wasn’t Flynn part of Pres. Obama’s administration for a minute?

      Frankly, I don’t think that dangerous azz clown is an anomaly in Our military. I strongly suspect there’s a lot more of his Fascist-loving kind (retired and active duty) than one would believe (in ALL ranks and divisions). To say nothing of defense contractors.

      1. Truth you know the military has more crazies like this just like the police does. Half the people at that attack in January were ex military or cops.

  2. This is insane. Everybody knows people are listening to words like this and planning more violence just like what happened in January. I hope the military strips him of some rank or benefits or something for even saying something this crazy.

  3. And it’s about d*mn time the mainstream news media (especially CNN and MSNBC) start telling the American people the Truth about just how COMMON it is in America for a significant percentage of White Americans (in particular) to support Nazism and Fascism.

    This AIN’T just about those White Americans who – throughout Our nation’s history – have actively (OR by their silence) supported the KKK and Jim Crow (past and present). With Blacks (descendants of slaves) and Jews being the primary targets.

    Nope. This about a population of White Americans TODAY who will stop at NOTHING to carry out their madness against ALL “other” races and groups. Blacks and Jews still being their primary targets. Trump and Flynn aren’t their leaders. They are their TOOLS.

  4. This country is on the precipice of another civil war. I sincerely believe it.

    1. Actually, I think the Civil War Part 2 has already begun. But it’s NOT an out-and-out Civil War with guns. The Jan 6 insurrection scared the H*ll out of Millions of White Americans who are SANE, Non-violent and want NO parts of such madness and endless blood running in the streets.

      And now the Haters and Fearful ones know this.

      So they’re feverishly trying to strip Us (Blacks) of our Voting Rights, all over this nation, while Klan cops will continue to “Lynch” unarmed Blacks at any opportunity.

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