A strategic set of COVID19 protests in Democratically-controlled swing states has set the stage for Donald Trump to pass the buck for his failed coronavirus response and accompanying economic meltdown, in the hopes of using it to his advantage for reelection in November.
Current Events
By now, we’ve all realized that the daily Coronavirus Task Force briefings died the day Donald Trump hijacked it and turned it into a pseudo-Trump campaign rally. Prior to that day, Trump had been twisting in the wind and feeling helpless that he could neither bully the global pandemic into submission or tweet it away with insults. The virus did what the virus wanted to do. ‘The Donald’ had no enemy to shift blame and despite his best efforts, the buck did stop with him.
With VP Mike Pence (the task force leader) and the highly respected Dr. Fauci sucking up all the attention, Trump appeared to be a failed Commander-In-Chief who was being pushed around and made helpless by that damned “Chinese” virus. To make matters worse, US governors and, more specifically, Gov. Cuomo of New York, were appearing much more in command of the facts and containment of the virus. Next, the governors not only publicly schooled Trump with a civics lesson that they and not him held the power to decide when their states would reopen, but they also banded together regionally to create unified plans on just how to accomplish a successful return to normalcy.
Trump was pushed to the sidelines and deemed irrelevant. For a man who desperately wanted to throw away the US constitution and rule America as a Vladimir Putin or Kim Jong Un type of dictator, he was suddenly the Emperor with no clothes.
That’s when the Trump campaign team came up with a diabolical master plan.
If the governors wanted to control the date and details of reopening America, it was in Trump’s best interest to let them. Then, with Americans growing more and more impatient while confined to their homes with no viable means of income, King Trump could shift blame away from himself and onto all the Democratic governors for refusing to allow America to be normal again.
That master plan began Phase One last week when Trump unveiled his Reopening America suggestions, as well as a strategically planned string of COVID19 protests which broke out in Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, and other states. Following orders from their dear leader, Trump supporters flocked to state capitols and blamed governors for their current set of circumstances. They also demanded that state stay-at-home orders be lifted and they be immediately allowed to return to work and their old way of living.
On Friday, Trump aided the COVID19 protests with a battle cry trio of tweets to “LIBERATE MICHIGAN!” “LIBERATE MINNESOTA!” For Virginia, he threw in a reference to gun rights: “LIBERATE VIRGINIA and save your great 2nd Amendment. It is under siege!” Interestingly, he only mentioned states with Democratic governors and made no mention of their GOP counterparts.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 17, 2020
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 17, 2020
LIBERATE VIRGINIA, and save your great 2nd Amendment. It is under siege!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 17, 2020
Not only did Trump post incendiary tweets that contradicted his statement to step out of the way and allow states to decide when and how to reopen, but he incited his followers to ignore current stay-at-home orders and publicly revolt against governors for keeping us hunkered down until it’s safe to do otherwise.
Now, Donald Trump is back to his old tricks and living up to his recent response to a reporter: “I take NO responsibility.” Now, Trump has found a way to dodge blame for his handling of the coronavirus response and impending economic recession by redirecting it toward US governors for any heartaches Americans may feel. Now, Trump can say “I want to give you your old lives back, but those darn Democratic governors won’t let you have it.” Now, Trump has an enemy to tweet against and a target to instruct his legion of supporters to direct their ire.
It’s a dirty but clever scheme, however, there’s only one catch. As soon as his Republican puppet governors in Florida, Texas, and other conservative strongholds lift their state bans and allow residents to roam free as if the coronavirus was nothing more than a figment of our imaginations, what happens when a 2nd wave of the virus strikes? What will happen to those Trump supporters and others — frolicking at beaches and malls — who suddenly find themselves in a hospital ICU on ventilators or dead because they foolishly believed they could magically will the deadly virus away??
In that scenario, the buck would indeed stop with Donald Trump!
What will happen to those Trump supporters and others — frolicking at beaches and malls — who suddenly find themselves in a hospital ICU on ventilators or dead because they foolishly believed they could magically will the deadly virus away?? In that scenario, the buck would indeed stop with Donald Trump! […]- DJ
DJ, you have got to be one of the kindest people I know. You keep expecting way too much of Trump voters.
People who actually want to hold Trump accountable tend to display an ability to be reasonable, intelligent, civil and use just plain old common sense. However, like their leader, Trump voters tend to display an inability to be ANY of that.
In fact, Trump voters appear to be (mostly) proudly ignorant, uncivil, unreasonable, ANGRY white people who are scared sh*tless of their own shadow (SEE their need to always have guns at the ready). And they are most definitely SCAPEGOATERS (just like their leader). Their failures are always someone else’s fault. Always.
They won’t turn on Trump no matter what. He really IS their great white hope. Even if he leads them and their loved ones to their death.
Oh and there’s this……….
It’s clear to me that many, if not most of those yahoos are the same confederate-flag waving, tea-bagger, white nationalists/white supremacist, gun-toting, rabble-rousers we’ve seen before.
And they know that Trump is loser. But they have to believe in him. He’s their LAST great White hope.
They’ve got nothing else.
The great white hope. You got that right Truth.
These fools are just plain stupid like their leader is. Look at the guy with the Covid-19 is a lie sign. If it is a lie take off the mask then. They are taking their orders from Trump no doubt about it. I think a lot of it comes down to privilege. They think they can always have whatever they want and Trump taught them they could. But Covid does not care what they want. I say if these fools want to act like the virus went away because they decided it then go ahead. Let them gather around each other and contaminate each other. Like my grandmother would say they don’t believe fat meat is greasy but they gonna learn soon enough.
And Fox News is helping to get the word out about the protests, even promoting the protests on air. President Donald Trump spent part of Friday tweeting about them, just minutes after a protest segment aired on Fox News’ America’s Newsroom.
The displays are tapping into Trump’s main message on the coronavirus pandemic: governors are to blame for the crisis, not him. As the president ratchets up his reelection efforts, his argument is an effort to simultaneously put the brunt of responsibility for the coronavirus catastrophe on the shoulders of his political opponents while also maintaining that he holds “total authority” over the pandemic and the states facing it.
It’s an argument that resonates best in rural, redder parts of the country, which have not been hit as hard by the pandemic as blue, urban areas. Trump himself has said, “We’ll be opening some states much sooner than others,” despite pushback from legislators and business leaders alike about the current lack of mass testing.
And it’s a message of division, designed to pit Republican-voting areas of states against their Democratic-voting neighbors, even rural Republicans against urban Republicans. All this to activate white rural voters who supported Trump in 2016 and whom he’ll need again in 2020.
For some on the right, the plan seems simple: vilify Democratic governors and agitate for the end of shutdown orders. Then, “reopen the economy” and spur a massive turnaround in the nation’s economic prospects just in time for Trump to be reelected in November. If the pandemic recedes, he can claim he was entirely responsible; but if people continue to die, he can place the blame on Democratic governors.
NY Post:
Kentucky experienced its highest single-day spike in coronavirus cases after protests broke out in the state to lift lockdowns, according to reports.
Gov. Andy Beshear announced there were 273 new cases Sunday, bringing the total to 2,960, news station WCPO reported.
“We are still in the midst of this fight against a deadly and highly contagious virus,” Beshear said. “Let’s make sure, as much as we’re looking at those benchmarks and we’re looking at the future, that we are acting in the present and we are doing the things that it takes to protect one another.”
The Bluegrass State is among the regions that have seen demonstrators take to the streets last week to call for the end of lockdown restrictions.