Current Events

Covington Teen Talks; Bishop Apologizes

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While the Covington teen at the center of the Lincoln Memorial standoff between Black Hebrews, Native Americans, and his school chums in “Make America Great Again” caps was speaking out, the bishop in charge of the Kentucky diocese was issuing an apology to the students.

Current Events
covington teenHigh school Junior Nick Sandmann, whose family hired a professional PR firm following the DC incident and made sure he was heavily coached, spoke exclusively to NBC’s Savannah Guthrie last week in what Twitter has called a “softball interview.”

As expected, the 16-year-old (and suddenly cherub-faced) Sandmann accepted zero responsibility or remorse for what happened and even added that he doesn’t believe his school friends did anything wrong.

The interview comes on the heels of widespread public opinion that was originally critical of the behavior of the Covington boys, but has since shifted to consider that perhaps they are more innocent than it originally appeared.  The interview also follows a report of Covington High School students being allowed to dress in blackface and shout racially insensitive chants toward black players during basketball games.  According to students, the behavior was not racially motivated, but merely an act of “school spirit.”



“I mean, in hindsight, I wish we could’ve walked away and avoided the whole thing. But I can’t say that I’m sorry for listening to him and standing there.” – Nick Sandmann to NBC


This week, the bishop in charge of the Covington High School diocese issued an apology to the boys and their parents for supposedly jumping to conclusions about their behavior while in Washington.

“We apologize to anyone who has been offended in any way by either of our statements which were made with good will based on the information we had,” Bishop Roger Foys wrote in a memo. “We should not have allowed ourselves to be bullied and pressured into making a statement prematurely, and we take full responsibility for it.

“I especially apologize to Nicholas Sandmann and his family as well as to all CovCath families who have felt abandoned during this ordeal.”

Donald Trump has since invited the boys to The White House to congratulate them on their actions in DC that day.


OK WASSUP! covers Current Events:
Covington teen speaks; bishop apologizes.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. Wow they really cleaned this kid up. Made him look like Joe typical white boy instead of a smug smart arse like he looked when he was up in that Native American’s face. I think a whole lot of people were in the wrong here but I stick with my original opinion. These boys showed up wearing MAGA hats which is considered racist. That kicked off the whole thing. If I walked in a crowd carrying a sign that called women dumb I can’t be mad when somebody react to it. That is what happened there. Why everybody is apologizing all of a sudden is crazy to me.

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