
CPAC 2021: The Resurrection Of Donald Trump

- Trump continues his grip on the GOP

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Donald Trump emerged from his lonely Twitter-less universe on Sunday for a self-aggrandizing appearance at CPAC 2021.  Needless to say, it was everything you may have expected it to be — and more!

The annual meeting of the Conservative Political Action Committee is traditionally an opportunity for Republican activists and elected officials to gather and discuss conservative interests and strategies. However, CPAC 2021 quickly morphed into nothing more than a coronation of King Donald J. Trump and a chance for conservatives to trip over each other for a moment of political felatio with him.

The event was both a sight to behold and pathetic all at the same time.

CPAC 2021
A life-sized gold statue of Trump at CPAC 2021

When Trump took the mic on Sunday at CPAC 2021, he immediately launched into a medley of his greatest hits: his presidency was the greatest EVER, he had done the most and the biggest and the best EVER, and, of course, his #1 hit “The Election Was Stolen From Me.”

“I stand before you today to declare that the incredible journey we began together 4 years ago is far from over,” Trump told the adoring crowd of ReTrumplicans in his first speech since leaving the White House. “We are gathered this afternoon to talk about the future — the future of our movement, the future of our party, and the future of our beloved country.

“This election was rigged,” Trump barked, prompting chants of ‘you won! you won!’ from the crowd. “They didn’t have the guts or the courage to make the right decision,” he said of the US Supreme Court’s decision not to back his false allegations of widespread voter fraud that cost him the presidency.

“Actually, as you know they just lost the White House,” Trump said of Democrats and President Biden. “Who knows, I may even decide to beat them for a third time,” he added as a teaser that he may decide to run again in 2024 (and with the absolutely false claim that he won last November).

Although the in-person crowd went wild for his words, too bad (for Trump) only 55% of Republicans in a straw poll actually want him to run again for president.

CPAC 2021
Sen. Bill Cassidy

Still, that didn’t stop evangelical Christians and other conservative CPAC 2021 attendees from wheeling in a gold statue of Donald Trump for all to idolize and worship.

Interestingly, the incessant glorification of Donald Trump and the MAGA hijacking of the GOP is somewhat of a godsend for Democrats. Trump lost the presidency. He lost the Georgia Senate race and therefore the US Senate for Republicans. He even orchestrated a violent attack on the US Capitol which sent major GOP donors fleeing and voters searching for a party that doesn’t identify with white supremacists.

Or, in other words, with Donald Trump as the face of the party Republicans may never win another national election again — and for that, Democrats should be jumping for joy.

At least that’s what Republican Sen. Bill Cassidy of Louisiana believes.

“If we idolize one person, we will lose. And that’s kind of clear from the last election,” Cassidy said over the weekend. “If we plan to win in 2022 and 2024, we have to listen to the voters. Not just those who really like President Trump, but perhaps those who are less sure,” he added. “If we speak to the voters who are less sure that went from President Trump to President Biden, we win. If we don’t, we lose. That is a reality that we have to confront.”

CPAC 2021

With Trump having already been handed a death-grip on the once Grand Ol’ Party, good luck with that one, Republicans!

OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
Donald Trump stars at CPAC 2021.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. CNN:

    Donald Trump has no remorse about the deadly violence he incited with his lies about a stolen election in his uprising against the US Congress.

    This much was clear when the ex-President put the Republican Party on notice on Sunday that he intends to use his hold on its grassroots to try to suppress the vote heading into the presidential election in 2024, in which he hinted he might run. In his first public remarks since leaving the White House, he also dangerously lashed out at Supreme Court justices for failing to intervene to throw him the election he clearly lost to President Joe Biden.

    “They should be ashamed of themselves for what they’ve done to our country … the Supreme Court didn’t have the guts or the courage to do anything about it,” Trump fumed in an authoritarian speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference, in Orlando, Florida, referring to false fraud claims thrown out by multiple judges.

    Last seen leaving Washington in disgrace, the ex-President’s self-regarding wander through old political fights emphasized his obsession with revenge at a time when the attention of the majority of the nation not in his camp is concentrating on more immediate concerns.

  2. “The event was both a sight to behold and pathetic all at the same time.” – DJ

    Yep. Pretty much what anyone outside of the Trump cult could’ve expected. 

    I didn’t watch any of it. Though I’ll admit I was a little taken aback when I first heard about the mini “golden calf” thingy. Then I remembered- idol worshippers are gonna do what idol worshippers do. Worship idols!   

    In the past, I’ve expressed my belief that Trump (like Rush Limbaugh when he was alive) is NOT actually leading his followers. It is his followers who are actually leading him. 

    I feel that way even stronger now. 

  3. Limbaugh paved the way for a dangerous charlatan like Trump. And now with Limbaugh gone (his voice silenced), it wouldn’t surprise me at all if many (or even most) Trump voters now cling to Trump even harder.

    They’re like deranged children in grown-up bodies driven by their own deficiencies and paranoia but even more so by their hatred and irrational Fear of “Others.”

    Trump is their “make-believe” protector AND proxy for all manner of just really really evil stuff. He will Never be able to break free of them.

    If he doesn’t know that already, he soon will.

  4. How are these people calling themselves Christian but worshiping a man? That gold statue should be the last straw if they are living right. But Cassidy is right. If they keep trying to make it all about Donald Trump the Repubs will never win again. That would be funny to see Trump take the whole party down.

    1. But Cassidy is right. If they keep trying to make it all about Donald Trump the Repubs will never win again. That would be funny to see Trump take the whole party down. […]

      Uh-huh. “Funny”…..and poetic justice!

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