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Critics Attack Obama’s ‘My Brother’s Keeper’

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Top News Today –
Critics Attack Obama’s ‘My Brother’s Keeper’
Late last week, President Obama unveiled a bold, new social initiative providing direction for the Black and Hispanic male youth of America.  Although the president received huge support from many who felt such an initiative was long overdue, it didn’t take long for a contingency of Obama critics to call his idea racist and unconstitutional.

Top News Today
Flanked by a line of handsomely dressed African-American and Latino teen aged males, President Obama announced “My Brother’s Keeper” — a new initiative to help young men and boys of color succeed. Speaking without a teleprompter in words that were very candid and often emotional, Mr. Obama described the program as one that “goes to the very heart of why I ran for President.”

“I didn’t have a dad in the house, and I was angry about it, even though I didn’t necessarily realize it at the time. I made bad choices. I got high without always thinking about the harm that it could do. I didn’t always take school as seriously as I should have. I made excuses. Sometimes I sold myself short,” the President said.

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“I had people who encouraged me, not just my mom and grandparents, but wonderful teachers and community leaders. And they pushed me to work hard, and study hard, and make the most of myself. And if I didn’t listen, they said it again. And if I didn’t listen, they said it a third time — and they would give me second chances and third chances.

“They never gave up on me, and so I didn’t give up on myself.”

With 1 out of 15 black men behind bars and 1 out of 3 expected to be incarcerated at some point in his life, the new initiative is designed to steer young, minority men down a path of success.  It has brought together foundations and businesses to pledge at least $200 million over the next five years, on top of the $150 million they have already invested.

The initiative was applauded by African-American leaders, who have frequently voiced frustration that America’s first black president has tried so hard to be inclusive of all, he has often excluded or even ignored his own race.  However, not everyone was cheering his efforts.

Top News Today
top news today current events racism fox newsThe Weekly Standard’s Terry Eastland said yesterday that the program is likely unconstitutional, arguing that any program providing benefits explicitly based on race is generally a no-no, according to the Supreme Court.  He also called the initiative discriminatory against women, saying the program will categorically exclude women and girls.

Roger Clegg, president of the Center for Equal Opportunity, also took offense to the program, calling it unconstitutional since there is no “compelling” government interest here. “It may be that a disproportionate number of blacks and Latinos are at-risk, but many are not, and many whites, Asians and others are. This is just another kind of ‘profiling,'” he added.

Is “My Brother’s Keeper” really an unnecessary program that discriminates on race and gender, or in this era of increasing gang violence, racial profiling and the killing of Trayvon Martin, Jordan Davis and other young, black men, is it exactly what the country needs?

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OK WASSUP! discusses the top news today, 
including the cheers and the critics of President Obama’s 
new initiative, ‘My Brother’s Keeper.’


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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