Comments on: CUT THE CRAP! News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 08:00:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Fri, 14 Aug 2009 17:32:42 +0000 In other totally UNrelated news:Congrats to Mike Vick_of whom I am no fan_ for being given a 2nd chance by the Philadelphia Eagles.I saw his news conference this morning on ESPN and he came across as humble and a bit wiser. Hopefully Vick really has learned a valuable lesson and is ready to get on with his life in a more productive and positive way.Time will tell.

By: Truthiz Fri, 14 Aug 2009 17:28:46 +0000 Hmmm_I don’t know DJ. Like so much MEALY-MOUTH blather pouring out of the mouths of most politicians these days,Sen. Murkowski's attempt at chastising Palin comes across as pretty LAME to me.It seems that modern-day American politics has devolved to a MINDLESS and GUTLESS activity for mostly wannabes, extremists, liars, thieves and arrogant CON men. Perhaps it’s always been that way??? I’m just more aware of it now that I’m “good and grown” and can really see and assess the situation for myself.Very few smart, thoughtful and courageous politicians out there_smh.
