Comments on: Cut-Throat Supreme Court Goes Wild! News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Mon, 10 Jul 2023 04:55:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Noble Wed, 05 Jul 2023 18:38:10 +0000 This is exactly why the court needs to be expanded. They’re on it for life and out of control.

By: Truthiz1 Wed, 05 Jul 2023 17:00:56 +0000 In reply to Mr.BD.

They set us up BD. I knew way back when that Affirmative Action was going away one day and that young, Black people, in particular would be the ones hurt the most.

Had Dr. King and others of his integrity had a hand in developing an Affirmative Action policy that actually gave Us a greater chance for Success as a people based on Our intelligence/intellect first and foremost and Our dogged determination to Succeed. And WE, as a people and a community would be so much better off and further along today.

Under Dr. King’s Courageous leadership the fight against discriminatory practices all across America would have been in Full effect and in living Color!

You don’t attack discrimination by allowing racists to grant you a modicum of acceptance and opportunity if you will simply accept the insidious LIE that by virtue of your Black or brown skin, you’re “inferior” to whites and therefore can’t cut it on your own merit!

By: Truthiz1 Wed, 05 Jul 2023 16:29:31 +0000 In reply to Mr.BD.

BD if the reports are true – and so far I haven’t heard anyone involved in the fraud DENY the reports – this BS fraudulent case should Never have made it to the U S. Supreme Court in the first place. And most definitely should Never have been heard by that Court.

Btw, if any reader has heard differently please let me know so that I can check out the information too and offer a correction.

Otherwise the Roberts Court has sank to a new Low in ruling on a purely BS story. That chick and her attorney are far right tools and full of sh*t!

By: Mr.BD Wed, 05 Jul 2023 16:02:37 +0000 In reply to Truthiz1.

Hey Truth I have to look into this more because I do not have all the info. I heard something about it was a made up person. But the fact the court let a business be able to discriminate against gays opens up a can of worms. Maybe you or some other readers can explain it more.

By: Mr.BD Wed, 05 Jul 2023 16:00:16 +0000 The student loan system been broken for years. It makes no sense people been paying for twenty years and only paid back a small percentage because of the interest and fees. To see the court let these states sue and win when the case had nothing to do with them is unbelievable. Basically they were just haters and probably did not want Biden to succeed like DJ said.
