Comments on: Cyber Attack For United, NYSE, WSJ? News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Thu, 09 Jul 2015 17:41:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Thu, 09 Jul 2015 17:41:45 +0000 Yesterday I wrote the following in reponse to DJ's post regarding "Cash Is Dyng" :

"I still always try to keep some cash on me because you just never know when technology might fail you."

Shortly after I posted that response came the *Breaking News* of a Major Tech Failure that involved "three big American companies."

Simply put- Yes. I believe WE were hacked. And as BD points out, the hackers did so with such ease.

Was that cyber-attack a dry run? Possibly. Frankly, I have NO problem buying that.

The story that I AIN'T buying….is that it was all just a "coincidence"….smh.

By: Mr. BD Thu, 09 Jul 2015 13:57:40 +0000 When I heard about this yesterday the first thing I thought was somebody was doing this on purpose. Now the FBI director is saying it wasn't a hacker but what is he supposed to say? He could cause public panic if he admitted three big American companies got hacked that easy. I don't know if we're getting the whole truth but my gut tells me this was cyberattack.
