Current Events
As the GOP seems to be in a constant search for a viable presidential candidate to run against Barack Obama in 2012, including their new “wish” candidate Gov. Chris Christie, it took Jon Stewart and THE DAILY SHOW to humorously put it all into perspective.
Whatever your politics, if you missed it live on Comedy Central earlier this week, it’s worth seeing:
Stewart:"and now you want Chris Christie…Sure ya do.."Honest to goodness: If it wasn't for the fact that the future welfare of this country (MY country) hangs in the balance, I would find this whole clown-show (or dark comedy) hysterically funny!But the truth is, THE WORLD is watching. And I'm often times more EMBARRASSED, than frightened, of radical right-wing VOTERS_and I'm pretty darn frightened of that bunch because of the potential they have to cause even greater damage to Our political system, Our government and Our nation. Christie cannot possibly pass the "Conservative purity" test. End of story. The man has VERY moderate views on several issues near and dear to right-wingers (immigration, global warming, GAYS, MUSLIMS, etc).But Corporate fat-cats, realizing the obvious weakness of Romney's so-called "front-runner" status_to say nothing of the Texas spectacle otherwise known as RICK PERRY_are pushing Christie to jump in anyway. And Christie (like Palin) loves the attention. He's toying with everybody while the American media chases him around like a dog in Will he take the plunge? If he's smart he won't. But ….we shall see.
<span>Apparently Chris Christie IS smart. As of this afternoon (Tue. Oct 4th, 2011) he's made it official. He AIN'T running. To me this story was always mostly a NON-story, created and HYPED by neoCONs like "Billy" Kristol (the mental midget who thought invading Iraq_AND choosing Palin as McCain's VP_were great ideas) AND the Repub "elites" …aided in no small measure by the AMERICAN (so-called) "NEWS" MEDIA trying to PUSH Christie into doing something clearly he does NOT want to do. And Christie darn near fell for it. He nearly let them PLAY him for a sucker (his recent speeches tells me that). But I'm guessing, when he stepped WAY back from the folks blowing smoke up his butt _and his head FINALLY cleared_he realized it would've been political suicide to jump into the race PRETENDING he had *fire-in-the-belly* to be President, when he knows that NOTHING could be farther from the truth. So now the American "news" MEDIA has to find a NEW chump..smh. </span><span></span><span>Wonder who they will HYPE..and then destroy…next? </span>