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First there were the out-of-control summer Town Hall meetings that quickly swelled to shouting matches and often ended in fisticuffs.  Then people started showing up to these Town Hall meetings carrying guns.  Next up, an Arizona Baptist Minister said he was praying to GOD for Michelle Obama to be widowed, the Obama children to be made fatherless, and for the President to die.  Then, conservative parents said they’d rather keep their kids out of school than allow them to hear the spoken “brainwashing” of President Obama.  Last week while the President was speaking to a special joint session of congress, Republicans used the opportunity to openly ignore, boo, hiss, and even tell Mr. Obama “YOU LIE.”  And over the weekend during a “Tea Party” march on Washington, protesters angrily shouted that President Obama wants to purposely ruin the country with socialism and that “Muslims are taking over our country.”  Hmmm….
There’s a danger brewing just beneath the surface, mainly fueled by conservative talk radio playing on the ignorance of fear.  It’s a danger many are whispering about, but few want to openly talk about.  Yes, this is the land of the free and the home of the brave.  But what has happened to the mentality of a country where a fellow lawmaker can lose all decorum and home training, to blatantly disrupt a presidential address by calling the leader of the free world a liar?  Or worse where a Baptist minister can freely call for the death of the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES??  Or where usually sane people have somehow convinced themselves the President is a Muslim and wants Muslims to take over the country???  (Is “Muslim” really code word for “BLACK”?) What type precedent are these actions setting for our future?  What type message are we sending to our children?  Are the guns, socialist/Muslim charges and calls for death slowly opening Pandora’s Box to unthinkable acts?  I can only hope and pray the answer is NO!
WAKE UP AMERICA…before it’s too late.  
We are in DANGER!


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. I am mindful that THIS is the United States of America we’re talking about! Given this country’s blatantly racist history_ particularly regarding how Blacks have been perceived and treated since newly arrived Anglo- European “Cristianists” chose to steal this land from the Native Americans and pursue FREE "slave" labor to help build this country__shouldn’t "WE The People" who have grown in our intelligence, awareness, education, understanding and appreciation for “Change” expect some left-over IGNORANT and HATE-filled remnants of the past???I say YES! Of course we should. The truth is, approx 25-30% of Americans have little to NO interest in “Change”. For them, the dark, segregated, polarizing and paranoid past of America was the “good ole days.” The very notion of a “Black President” is something that not offends them_but quite frankly_it's Unthinkable.The threat posed by that highly toxic, twisted and BACKWARD bunch is REAL and ever present indeed.BUT!!!…..

  2. …here’s the GOOD news_something to truly Celebrate despite the fact that We won’t see it highlighted on cable news: Today we’re a nation of at least 300 million people from racial and ethnically diverse backgrounds. Approx 70% of Americans are on board with moving this country forward in a more inclusive, productive and positive direction. And that percentage includes many_if not MOST_ White Americans. CNN and other cable “news” resources won’t be covering that aspect of our nation’s progress because there’s NO drama in that story. The “news” industry is in the business of creating, exaggerating and stoking the flames of controversy and conflict. To the degree that responsible and credible news journalism ever existed in America, those days are long gone…..which is why I’m most Grateful for the Internet (which allows me to do my own research and fact-finding) and blogs like OK Wassup, Andrew Sullivan’s The Atlantic & The Daily Dish, Mirror On America, Booker Rising,,, Nate Silver’s and others that keep me informed and connected:)

  3. Ooops…correction:The very notion of a “Black President” is something that not ONLY offends them_but quite frankly_it's Unthinkable.

  4. It is FEAR and just plain evilness. What always confuses me is the fact that no one has enslaved them, or done any of the terrible things they have done to our people…how dare they call the President "a lie" and a "racist." I have to just not listen and continue praying and chanting for the first family and for us all. Otherwise, I'll drive myself out of my mind with anger.

  5. I fear for and pray for President Obama nightly. These people hide behind the health care issue but their real agenda is clear. They flat out don't want a black president plain and simple. So its easy to call him muslim and socialist to hide what they really want to call him but can't. And we all know what that is!

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