Daylight Saving Time 2021 Begins Sunday

Hey, guess what? Spring has sprung (or at least it will on Sunday according to the clocks). It’s Daylight Saving Time 2021!
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This Sunday, March 14th, will be that time of year to ‘spring forward’ at 2am. So, if you have any analog clocks lying around the house make sure to turn them AHEAD 1 hour before going to bed. By doing so at 2am, the actual time will be 3am.
Although you will lose an hour of sleep on Sunday, you will gain an extra hour of sunshine as we head into the spring/summer months.
Whatever you do, don’t make the mistake of forgetting to turn your clocks ahead. If you still have to go into the office, you don’t want to show up an hour late on Monday morning!
Oh, and for the record: it’s Daylight SAVING Time, not SavingS Time. There is no “S” on the end.
DJ, thanks for the reminder!
I’m undecided about whether I like when time is moved back for the winter. But I do like daylight saving time to get the most sunlight.
And it’s funny because when I was a child, Fall and Winter were my favorite seasons. But since becoming “good and grown” Spring, Summer and Fall are my favorite seasons.
Honestly, except for maybe a little snow at Christmas, I can do without Winter….lol