We all now know that Republican Gov. Mark Sanford of South Carolina, recently admitted to abandoning his state for 5 days so he could go have an extra-marital tryst with his “chick-on-the-side” in Argentina. But what we didn’t know is that after the Governor’s wife found out about the affair but forgave and tried to work on the marriage, Sanford had the unmitigated gall to repeatedly beg his wife to allow him to go visit his Buenos Aires mistress!

South Carolina’s First Lady Jenny Sanford went public over the weekend, recalling how her husband continuously asked permission to visit his lover for months and months after she discovered his affair.
“I said absolutely not. It’s one thing to forgive adultery; it’s another thing to condone it,” Jenny Sanford told The Associated Press during a 20-minute interview, which were her first official comments on the affair. Mrs. Sanford said that when her husband inexplicably disappeared last week, she hoped he had gone hiking on the Appalachian Trail, which is the official tale his staff told anyone who inquired about his absence. But when she realized he had gone AWOL to Argentina to see the other woman, she was stunned.
“He was told in no uncertain terms not to see her,” Jenny Sanford said in a strong, steady voice.
“I was hoping he was on the Appalachian Trail. But I was not worried about his safety. I was hoping he was doing some real soul searching somewhere but was devastated to find out it was Argentina. It’s tragic.”

The “other woman” has now been identified as María Belén Chapur, a journalist and translator of English for the Argentine television station Canal America. Mrs. Sanford discovered the affair after finding an explicit letter the Governor had written to Ms. Chapur several months ago. But even after being told of the affair, Mrs. Sanford believed her marriage and family was salvageable — that is until the Governor started asking her permission if he could remain married to her but still go fool around with his girlfriend.
“I had every hope he was not going to see her,” the First Lady said after her husband’s odd disappearance over Father’s Day weekend.
“When I found out in January, we both indicated a willingness to continue working on the marriage, but there’s not room for three people in a marriage. You would think that a father who didn’t have contact with his children, if he wanted those children, he would toe the line a little bit,” she said. But he did not.
Some Republican leaders have called for Sanford to resign, but he refuses. Some lawmakers and watchdog groups are even pressing for investigations into whether he improperly used state money to pay for his many trips to Argentina. But utilizing every excuse from “not being a quitter” to quoting the story of King David, Sanford has sinned, but continues to try and brush the entire episode under the rug and hope against hope it is quickly forgotten.
this guy is gutter trash!!!! i hope they run his ass outta sc with a whoopin stick!!!!!
The more you hear about this guy's "family values" the more ridicules it gets_smh! But in other news:Minn. rules for Franken in Senate fightFrom the Associated Press11:21 AM PDT, June 30, 2009 ST. PAUL, Minn. — The Minnesota Supreme Court has ordered that Democrat Al Franken be certified as the winner of the state’s long-running Senate race.The high court rejected a legal challenge from Republican Norm Coleman, whose options for regaining the Senate seat are dwindling.Justices said Franken is entitled to the election certificate he needs to assume office. With Franken and the usual backing of two independents, Democrats will have a big enough majority to overcome Republican filibuster.Coleman hasn’t ruled out seeking federal court interventionHat-tip: I caught a clip of Coleman conceding to Franken on CNN and Franken is on CNN as I write this.TIME’S UP Pawlenty; no more lame-azz excuses_just seat the new Senator already!