DACA Destroyed By Trump; DREAMers May Be Deported
Donald Trump has struck again. In his first official day back to work on Tuesday for the fall political season, Trump put an end to the DACA program, throwing nearly 1 million US residents into limbo.
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The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (or DACA), was created by former President Barack Obama to protect roughly 800,000 young undocumented immigrants who were brought to the US as children from being deported. Instead of sending them back to countries they never knew, DACA was created to offer them the ability to continue to work and study in the US and contribute positively to society. Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced Trump’s decision to end DACA with a statement from the Department of Homeland Security.
“The Department of Homeland Security urges DACA recipients to use the time remaining on their work authorizations to prepare for and arrange their departure from the United States — including proactively seeking travel documentation — or to apply for other immigration benefits for which they may be eligible,” the DHS statement said.
DHS spokesman David Lapan later chimed in, saying “We would encourage persons who are in the country illegally to depart voluntarily or seek another form of immigration benefit for which they might qualify. No one has an entitlement to live in the United States illegally. Individuals have an independent obligation to comply with the laws that Congress passes, in all contexts.”
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Former President Obama was so angry at Trump for dismantling DACA, that he broke his months-long silence against criticizing his successor and lit into “The Donald,” calling his actions “cruel” and “self-defeating.”
“To target these young people is wrong — because they have done nothing wrong,” Mr. Obama wrote in a Facebook post. “It is self-defeating — because they want to start new businesses, staff our labs, serve in our military, and otherwise contribute to the country we love. And it is cruel.”
“It’s a political decision, and a moral question,” the former president wrote. “Whatever concerns or complaints Americans may have about immigration in general, we shouldn’t threaten the future of this group of young people who are here through no fault of their own, who pose no threat, who are not taking away anything from the rest of us.”
“This is about whether we are a people who kick hopeful young strivers out of America, or whether we treat them the way we’d want our own kids to be treated,” Mr. Obama continued. “It’s about who we are as a people — and who we want to be.”
Former President Bill Clinton also joined Mr. Obama in denouncing Trump’s move.
“It’s wrong because it’s bad policy that solves no pressing problem and raises new ones. It’s wrong because it’s irresponsible, passing the buck instead of offering sensible solutions for immigration reform. Most of all, it’s wrong because it’s cruel to send these young people to places many of them have never lived and do not know. For them this is home. The United States is their home,” Mr. Clinton said Tuesday.
The nearly 1 million people living in America (also known as DREAMers) under the DACA program were brought to the US by their parents while they were infants. They are here by no fault of their own and this is the only country they know. By ending the DACA program, Donald Trump is prepared to deport all of them back to the country of their origin and a land which is foreign and unfamiliar to them.
Trump has been trying to bait Obama into a fight for a while so looks like he finally got his wish. I know he was hot. But this is all stupid because like Bill Clinton said it doesn’t fix any problem. All it does it makes his base feel powerful they could run mexicans out and make America white again. So sad. And what about all the latinos who voted for him. I wonder what they are thinking now.
In a Rose Garden address, Friday afternoon, June 15, 2012, Pres. Obama said of DACA:
“This is not amnesty. This is not immunity. This is not a path to citizenship. It’s not a permanent fix,” Obama said to take on conservative criticism of the step. “This is a temporary stopgap measure.”
Noting children of illegal immigrants “study in our schools, play in our neighborhoods, befriend our kids, pledge allegiance to our flag,” Obama said, “it makes no sense to expel talented young people who are, for all intents and purposes, Americans.” – CNN online
Full Read: http://www.cnn.com/2012/06/15/politics/immigration/index.html
I have a few thoughts on this beginning with my awareness of Pres. Obama’s original intent of DACA.
In his own words DACA was “a temporary stopgap measure,”….in the absence of a Republican controlled Congress – the majority of which whose members are too cold-hearted AND Callous, too disingenuous AND Incompetent to simply DO.The.Right.Thing. Pass The DREAM Act:
Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act is an American legislative proposal for a multi-phase process for qualifying alien minors in the United States that would first grant conditional residency and, upon meeting further qualifications, permanent residency.
The bill was first introduced in the Senate on August 1, 2001, S. 1291 by United States Senators Dick Durbin (Democratic Party) and Orrin Hatch (Republican Party), and has since been reintroduced several times (see legislative history) but has failed to pass. – Wikipedia
Of course the Obvious offense here – committed, yet again, by that patently UNFIT and hateful Creature in the Oval office – is the absolute Cruel manner in which he chose to address this very critical matter NOT giving the slightest d*mn about the countless (mostly Latino) lives devastatingly impacted by this Cruelty.
On a sidenote: BD stole my thunder. “And what about all the Latinos who voted for him? I wonder what they are thinking now.”
I conclude with this -The chances of this Repub-controlled Congress passing anything that even resembles Comprehensive Immigration Reform are….None. They are way too incompetent for that.
However, I do agree with those who say NOW is the time for Dem leadership (Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi) to step up and SEIZE the moment. They should immediately announce they have the Dem votes to support a “Stand-Alone” immigration bill that covers the nearly 1 million DREAMERS currently protected by DACA. Full Stop.
Dems should say NOT a word about Trump or his stupid wall. Just sit back and wait for the Repubs to step up or shut up.
If your in this country illegally you need to get out now. Plain and simple.
Okay so today is Thurs. Sept. 7th, 2017….and frankly I’m struck by some new info I learned about last night related to this topic that’s getting some attention now. Apparently after sending Sessions out to make the DACA announcement on Tues. morning – Tuesday evening Trump actually tweeted: “Congress now has 6 months to legalize DACA (something the Obama Administration was unable to do). If they can’t, I will revisit this issue!”
Which begs the question- just what game is Trump playing here? He supposedly rescinds DACA which allows him to APPEAR to his base like he’s being tough on “illegal” immigration. Then he signals to Congress they have 6 months to “LEGALIZE” the program.
With Big business and about 80% of all Americans (including a sizable number of elected Repubs) actually supporting DACA, seems clear to me, Trump is running *game* on Everyone to put himself in a “Win/ Win” situation. Because as we know..it’s always..ALWAYS…about him.
i noticed that too Truth. It seems like he is trying to have his cake and eat it too.
Yep. And if anyone doubts what he’s up to, he actually tweeted THIS this morning:
“For all of those (DACA) that are concerned about your status during the 6 month period, you have nothing to worry about – No action!”
H/T: RedState
UPDATE: Thurs. Sept. 14, 2017
I’m at work but I’m noticing a significant uptick in chatter on conservative and right-wing blogs about Trump’s pending “AMNESTY” deal with the Dems. Apparently all the chatter is due to two tweets Trump posted earlier this morning:
“Does anybody really want to throw out good, educated and accomplished young people who have jobs, some serving in the military? Really!” — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
“They have been in our country for many years through no fault of their own – brought in by parents at young age. Plus BIG border security” — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
Yep. He’s up to something.
Sept. 14, 2017
Upon hearing of Trump’s pending AMNESTY deal, Ann Coulter tweeted: “Put a fork in Trump, he’s dead.”
She also tweeted: “At this point, who DOESN’T want Trump impeached?”
H/T: RedState
NRO Reader:
I’m relishing it. Schadenfruede is delicious. I think if Trump’s fanboys stopped voting that would be an excellent thing for the USA. We could manage without the foolish votes of the permanently deluded and disgruntled. You guys got played. Bigly. Deal with it. […]
Thurs. Sept. 14, 2017
“Trump die-hards divided over DACA deal”
President Trump’s apparent deal with Democrats to shield some undocumented immigrants from deportation — WITHOUT demanding funding for a border wall — is dividing some of his most ardent conservative backers.
Breitbart News called the president “Amnesty Don.” Commentator Ann Coulter mused about impeaching Trump. And hard-line immigration hawks in Congress like Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) called the contours of the deal an “irreparable” betrayal of Trump’s base.
“Trump base is blown up, destroyed, irreparable, and disillusioned beyond repair,” King tweeted. “No promise is credible.” [….] – Politico