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Gay and Lesbian community members are literally cheering in the streets of Washington, DC, after the City Council voted 11 to 2 on Tuesday in favor of allowing same sex marriages in the nation’s capitol.

Opponents who tried mightily to block the legislation, including the Catholic Archdiocese of Washington, DC, have all vowed to fight on to repeal the vote.  But for opponents to succeed in blocking the legislation, the Democratic-controlled House and Senate and President Obama would ALL have to sign off on a disapproval resolution within 30 legislative days, which advocates say is not likely.  “In many ways, this is the final prize,” said council member Jim Graham (D-Ward 1), one of two openly gay council members.  “We believe we are firmly rooted in the right side of history, and I know we are going to prevail,” said council member David A. Catania (I-At Large), who is also gay and sponsored the bill. “But we are going to have to remain vigilant to protect this right.” 

The Gay Marriage went to the desk of DC Mayor Adrian M. Fenty (D), who signed it into law today. DC will now join Massachusetts, Connecticut, Vermont, and Iowa as one of few places in the U.S. gays are afforded the right of marriage.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Well it's about time. Now everyone else in the country needs to wake up and see that it's the RIGHT thing to do.

  2. Hey I just found out about the Google Wave contest. Is it too late to still get in?

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