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Deadly Day in D.C.

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Top News Today – Deadly Day in D.C.
Why did a former Navy reservist open fire early Monday at the Washington Navy Yard, killing 12 military and civilian personnel before being shot dead by police?  That’s the question authorities want to know.

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Aaron Alexis, a 34-year-old civilian contractor from Fort Worth, TX via Queens, NY, was killed in the shootout, before police could determine any motive behind his bizarre shooting spree.  The FBI is asking the public to contact the bureau with any tips related to the shooter.

current events top news today fox news“This investigation is still very active,” Valerie Parlave, the FBI’s assistant director-in-charge, said at a news conference. “No piece of information is too small.”

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President Obama was visibly shaken over what he called “yet another mass shooting.”

“These are men and women who were going to work, doing their job, protecting all of us,” Mr. Obama said. “They’re patriots, and they know the dangers of serving abroad. But today they faced the unimaginable: violence that they wouldn’t have expected here at home.”

“We will do everything in our power to make sure that whoever carried out this cowardly act is held responsible,” the president added. “I want the investigation to be seamless.”

Top News Today – OK WASSUP! discusses the FBI’s search into why a gunman opened fire at the Washington Navy Yard, killing 12.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. Sigh. Another tragic story involving a man with a gun/or guns and lots of ammunition resulting in innocent victims being killed or critically injured.

    In other words (sadly) just another day in America…smh.

    And predictably reports are emerging that points to a shooter with a history of *problemtaic* behavior and mental health issues.

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