
Death Of Democracy Is Imminent, Says Poll

- A new poll suggests democracy is doomed!

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The demise of democracy has been discussed for more than a generation. However, a new poll suggests that a majority of Americans now believe the death of democracy is not only imminent but unavoidable.

Politics :
According to a new Yahoo! News and YouGov poll, 53% of Republicans and 55% of Democrats believe the death of democracy is upon us. The rise of Donald Trump and his MAGA movement, the surprising willingness of Americans to hand over control of the country to a lone dictator in lieu of multiple branches of government, the increasing infatuation Americans have with following only Fox News and other propaganda media outlets as their lone source of news information, the perceived politicization of the US Supreme Court, as well as America’s fear that it’s losing its traditional White-Christian control are all feeding into the democratic demise.

Death Of Democracy

Now, take a moment to consider the fact that roughly half the country considers the United States something of a lost cause and you’ve got yourself a truly chilling statistic.

The shocking poll numbers validate how Americans have been feeling since the Donald Trump-contested 2020 presidential election, the January 6th Capitol Hill insurrection, and the partisan political battles that have since ensued.

Republicans have dug in their heels and vowed to protect Donald Trump and their party’s reputation over country, while Democrats have maintained a dead-end willingness to seek bipartisan compromise where there simply is none. For most Americans, it’s all a lose-lose situation and one that has many questioning why they should continue to vote at all.

Death Of Democracy

The divide among those who believe the death of democracy is coming is startling. For example, those on the right are shockingly disengaged from the January 6th hearings. Only 9% of those who voted for Donald Trump, (13% of Republicans and 22% of Fox News viewers) have watched the hearings. The others believe the hearings are a farce designed only to denigrate Donald Trump and the GOP.

In contrast, 47% of those who voted for Democratic President Joe Biden (44% of Democrats and 52% of MSNBC viewers) are deeply interested in and closely following the hearings.

Additionally, only 45% of Americans are willing to believe that the insurrection was part of a Trump-led conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election. Further, an alarming 1/5th of Americans believe all school shootings in recent years are faked and staged by crisis actors whose only goal is to take away guns. Of course, the remaining percentage of Americans recognize the shootings are not faked and the deaths are real.

As if those numbers weren’t enough, 52% of Republicans, 50% of Independents, and 46% of Democrats all believe a 2nd civil war is on the horizon. Interestingly, many also believe America will never experience another peaceful and trustworthy election again.

When asked if he was worried about the 2024 election, one House Select Committee member said “Very worried!”

“We focused so much on what goes on in DC and Congress and the Senate. But when you have these [local] election judges that are going to people that don’t believe basically in democracy, authoritarians, 2024 is going to be a mess,” said Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois.

“And wake up, America. Wake up, Republicans, because this is not going to be good for you if you think it is,” he added.

Democracy has survived primarily because Americans have traditionally held it in high esteem and insisted that it be the uncompromised law of the land. Now, all bets are off and many Americans have a totally different belief system on what America should be.

How have so many Americans been so easily fooled? How much do white supremacy and religious omnipotence play into these percentages? Is there still time to prevent the death of democracy, or is the concept of the UNITED States of America already a lost cause?

“I actually think there is a fair chance we could completely lose our constitutional democracy for a couple of decades if we make bad decisions. I am not naive about this. I have been in a lot of fights. I have lost some and won a bunch. I have been elated and heartbroken. But I have never before been as worried about the structure of our democratic form of government.”

– former President Bill Clinton
Death Of Democracy

OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
Americans think the death of democracy is here.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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President Joe Biden revealed that after being elected to the White House, Chinese President Xi Jinping cautioned him that democracies are on the decline and that one day “autocracies will run the world.”

“We’re living through a global struggle between autocracies and democracies,” Biden said during his commencement address to the U.S. Naval Academy’s graduating class.

“I’ve met more with Xi Jinping than any other world leader has. When he called me to congratulate me on Election Night, he said to me what he said many times before,” the president said on Friday. “He said democracies cannot be sustained in the 21st century, autocracies will run the world. Why? Things are changing so rapidly. Democracies require consensus, and it takes time, and you don’t have the time.”



Wow DJ, I have to admit that, when I signed into the site, I didn’t expect to see this topic…and it took me completely by surprise!

It’s certainly an “on time” discussion for sure – one that “WE The People” across this nation absolutely should be having. But my brain is still in holiday weekend mode and now I have Sit Up and put my thinking cap on.


Last edited 2 years ago by Truthiz1

So I’ll start with the quote highlighted in DJ’s post

“Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.” – John Adams

If I may DJ, I’d like to extend his quote a little further because it helps in giving me a fuller understanding (the context, if you will) of what he expressed at that time.

“Remember Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes exhausts and murders itself. There never was a Democracy Yet, that did not commit suicide. It is in vain to Say that Democracy is less vain, less proud, less selfish, less ambitious or less avaricious than Aristocracy or Monarchy. It is not true in Fact and no where appears in history.” – From John Adams to John Taylor, Dec. 17, 1814

Last edited 2 years ago by Truthiz1

We are committing suicide right now and killing our own democracy.


[The demise of democracy has been discussed for more than a generation. However, a new poll suggests that a majority of Americans now believe the death of democracy is not only imminent but unavoidable.] – DJ

No question about it, WE are in trouble. Our democracy is a very fragile state and Yes, may actually “commit suicide.” But THAT is up to Us. 

If indeed “a majority of Americans now believe the death of democracy is not only imminent but unavoidable” then that is because that’s what a majority of Americans want. 

Which begs the questions: What do the majority of Americans actually want? And what are WE willing to fight for? 

Last edited 2 years ago by Truthiz1

Now….regular readers know how I feel about polls, Americans polls in particular. Polling in America has mostly NOT been worth a dime in years. Their methodology is so FLAWED it is absolutely criminal (in my opinion) that the American news media is allowed to presents that crap to the public as if it’s something WE can trust!?! 

So here’s another question: Who benefits the most from this knowingly FLAWED practice of American polling?

….which actually serves to “shape” opinions!    

Last edited 2 years ago by Truthiz1

First of all Happy Juneteenth everybody. I had the day off and went to a event so I am just now getting to this story. I want to echo Truth and say this is a powerful way to start the week. Got me thinking all kinds of things.


The quote from Twitter got me. But then I read what Bill Clinton said. Then I saw what Wil posted about the Chinese president saying democracies are on the way out. All that really has me in my thoughts right now because we talk about it being possible. But then you start thinking about how it could happen on the election this year.


If we lose democracy it is over for us. I will pick up and leave and go to some other country before I let somebody like Trump become Hitler here. It really got me thinking this could happen for real.

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