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I’m on record for not really caring much about debates.  Whether it’s the presidential or vice-presidential debate, I don’t believe they do/should carry much weight on who’s legitimately fit to be president. Apparently, I’m in the minority here.

Since the Obama-Romney and Biden-Ryan showdowns, the polls have all seemed to go haywire. President Obama was leading in several states, but is now supposedly tied or trailing.  Is this possible? Is this real life??

Granted, President Obama looked exhausted in the first debate — which happened to fall on his wedding anniversary.  But when you’re the leader of the free world you’re likely to have an off day or two.  Still, if the polls are accurate, how did one night’s “performance” totally erase everything we’ve known about him for the past 4+ years?  Is that possible? Is that real life??  No, that is lunacy!

Since the first presidential debate, voters and pundits have picked the entire debate apart, even using advanced software to analyze facial expressions for stress (since when did this become a litmus test for the presidency?).  Hilariously, one (Republican) medical doctor actually appeared on Fox News to say he believed Joe Biden’s constant laughing during the VP debate was a sign of dementia.  SERIOUSLY???

Well, tonight everybody will get another chance to critique the president and his challenger, as the 2 men will meet for a Town Hall style debate at Hofstra University in New York.  Expect President Obama to be more “energetic” and play the game debate watchers are dying to see from him.  He will likely enter the debate like a gladiator at the Roman Colosseum and give them a performance greater than Pavarotti at Carnegie Hall — since apparently this is all it takes these days to get elected president.

I will be watching and we will discuss the highs and lows of the night here tomorrow.  Hopefully, Mr. Obama’s presentation in tonight’s little sideshow can put a stop to all the foolish debate critiques and sliding polls and return sanity to the American public.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Lol. Love the subject title DJ.

Btw: I'm in the "minority" too. I don't care for Presidential or VP debates. And (as you know) don't even get me started on polls.

But back to debates:

Generally, I don't think they matter much at all EXCEPT when they do. And UNfortunately, the President's performance during the first debate was such an epic FAIL that THIS (tonight's debate) is one of those *Exceptions.*

Is he going to *bring IT*..? He had better.

Will I be watching tonight? My mind's not made-up yet.

Regardless. I'll look forward to reading the reactions afterwards.

Mr. BD

My computer was busted the past couple days so I haven't been around. Glad to come back on debate day with this post.

I understand what you mean DJ that debates shouldn't matter, but for some reason they do. People get into it like watching a football game. I know Obama's gonna bring it tonight so I'm looking forward to talking about it here tomorrow. Btw great title for this post.


Wondered where you were at my friend.

Glad to see you're back!

Mr. BD

LOL yeah glad to be back. I see I missed a lot. That video from Memo yesterday was pretty impressive. Did you see his response to you?


Yes I did (this morning). Planning on responding to him later this morning.

But it's great to have a new voice added to the mix!

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