Comments on: DEBT CEILING A DONE DEAL? News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:56:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Mon, 01 Aug 2011 16:11:51 +0000 My last entry on this sorry story today….Marc A. Thiessenk @ The WashingtonPost:  "Tea Partyers should recognize just how much Obama and the Democrats caved: $2 trillion in spending cuts. No tax increases. A new precedent that debt-limit hikes must be accompanied by equal or greater cuts in spending. And the potential for a balanced budget in 10 years.  That the Tea Party accomplished all this in just six months — at a time when the GOP controls one-half of one-third of the federal government — is remarkable." Read: "How The Tea Party 'Hobbits' Won The Debt Fight"

By: Truthiz Mon, 01 Aug 2011 14:47:13 +0000 Quote Of The Day    <span> We were creamed because we were more responsible than the House GOP with respect to default. But the super-committee will put revenues back on the table and we can take that case to the public next year and win. I remain skeptical. For all of the support for a more balanced approach, it will be very hard to run for election, promising to raise taxes on the rich. It has never worked in America in modern times. </span><span></span><span></span><span>All in all, Obama played this terribly, in my opinion. Leading from behind can be a strategy when all the actors are responsible. When one isn't – and has no problem destroying the conomy in order to save it – you have to get out in front. Obama didn't have the courage to do that in January. He has paid the price.   ~ Andrew Sullivan</span>

By: Truthiz Mon, 01 Aug 2011 14:36:41 +0000 <span>"I think everybody take a political hit on this one. Gonna hurt the Repubs more though in election year."   @BD -I wholeheartedly Agree with your first point. Not so sure about your second point though because honestly, I don't have that much faith in the electorate.   Moreover, at this point can one really say that a Democratic President is that much "better" than a Republican president???  I sure can't. It appears "We The People" are in a Lose-Lose situation, constantly being played by BOTH parties. But back to the President:     IMO, Obama displayed extremely poor judgment AND…quite frankly…LACK of Courage in his total mishandling of this entire matter which has now resulted in a Tea-party drafted deal (they got about 98% of what they demanded).   Time and time again I've watched THIS President (a supposed man of "The People." A man of "Hope" and 'Change") CAVE to the extreme demands of the GOP. I have seen him fight for NOTHING and NO ONE. NOT the poor. NOT seniors. Not working middle -class families. And certainly NOT minority groups discriminated against (LGBTs, Muslims, Latinos). He saved Wall Street and gave the command to take out Osama Bin-Laden. That's it. End of story.      And now, thanks to his LACK of Leadership when it's needed most, this country must face the grim reality that a small but very VOCAL and very POWERFUL group of right-wing crazies, haters and know-nothings..aka The Tea-Party…is actually running the show in D.C. That dangerous bunch is dictating the terms by which the so-called Republican "leadership" AND the President UNconditionally surrenders on issue after issue.    As Peter Beinhart put it: "Barack may be President, but the Tea-party is running Washington."</span>

By: BD Mon, 01 Aug 2011 13:03:43 +0000 I knew they would find a way to work it out at the last minute but they still look like a bunch of wining babies. I just took the poll and I'm sorry but I think everybody take a political hit on this one. Gonna hurt the Repubs more though in election year. 
